[Albert] I've arrived here (in good health) without th' expected
Success in my long & expe costly journey, yet I shal always
thank Providence, that under for this disappointment hath giv'n
th' happy occasion of being acquainted with you, & of under-
standing by your conversation, that there is one within our
blood that deserves the name, & that gives the best hope, that
he shal be among the restorers of our family. All What good
me is that your employ exposes you to frequent dangers, &
that your courage wil surely dare the greatest, but my
comfort is that your prudence wil distinguish twixt rash
nes, & braverie.— I wou'd ha' seen you in Sudbury, had
not my short tyme I had to stay in England after my [return]
from the best [uvsity] of ye world hinder'd me: I'm glad I [damaged]
your brother, & I hope you're not im pute to any unkind-
nes that I did not wait on you. I've a great desire, we
shou'd let one another know their circumstances, that
by letters we may supply personal conversation: Nothing
I desire more than to hear of your health & welfare,
w.ch I beg you to have a special care of, if you ever
desire to do a kind office to your J.
[faded]to be wrote to the generall after my
[faded] from [London] in the 1696 where he
[faded]bay but return w'out