Dear Cousin
I received Yours wth all ye Joy that a most affectio-
nate Relation could be sensible of, it being a Favour yt
I had long despair'd of as concluding that it must
be Design & Resolution rather than Business & Forgetfullness
wch could make your Silence of such a continuance.
I heartily rejoice to hear you're so blest in your present
Circumstances, & yt Heaven smiles so kindly on all your
endeavours & assists those laudable intentions of
The acquainting me with ye particulars of your Cir-
cumstances was an agreeable entertainment to me;
I wish I could return you as happy a relation concer-
ning my Self; but my Fortune does not reach to
ye Purchasing of Lands, tho' I thank God it is not
so stinted an one as to be oblig'd to live below ye
rank of Gentlemen. I have a Company in ye Lord North
& Grey's Regimt. of Foot, wch is an Old Regimt. & ye same
yt I have all along serv'd in. I am also Lieut. Quarter
Master General to all her Majesty's Forces in ye Netherlands,
wch is an Employ, that in all other Services of ye World,
is possest by Men of an higher degree yn yt of a Captain-
our Government has not made ye salary of it very great,
but there are accidents in it that may content a
man in another manner; & if ye War lasts & I live
[&] some lucky Hits may happen towards ye making
one's Fortune.
I begin this day my Journey for Holland
where I
should be glad to hear from you, especially if you
have any commands for me. My Mother & Brother
give their hearty Respects to you.
I am
Dear Sr
Most Dutifull Cousin
Affectionate Friend
& Huble Servant
A Spotswood
Address your LettersLondon March ye 15 1703/4