London Feb. 25. 1705/6
Dear Cousin
It was no smale satisfaction to me to find by
your obliging Letter that I was not worn out of
your kind remembrance; & at ye same time that I
return you my hearty thanks for your affectio-
nate enquiry after ye state of my Wounds, I must
assure you that no One does more deeply than
my Self share with you a concern for ye wrongfull
Wounds you receive'd in fighting that just battle
of C. Green's; but I hope Virtue will at length be
justify'd, & that you may soon meet with as
perfect a Cure as I have already done, so that
we may both of us glory to have been in such
battles. My Mother & Sister are both of them very well
here in town, my Brother is at present Governour
of Gibraltar & has his Regiment there with him.
About ye end of ye next month I purpose to be re-
turning into Holland, but design to write to you
again before my departure, & hope likewise for
ye happiness of hearing from you. Pray give my
respectful Service to your Mother & Sister, as also
to Mr Greem.
I am
Dear Sr
Your Most affectionate Cousin
& very humble Servant
A Spotswood