12. Jan.r 1706.
To Captn Spotswod
at London
Hoping you were I was told by Mr Greem That you
waited at Roterdam till your General came to Holland, & hopeing
this will find you in England, now yn the newes tell us of the
D. of M—arrival, In the first place, I wish you a good new year,
& a long & hapy life, Next, I desire you to know how you've
recover'd of the wounds you gott in the battle of Hoshstet, for
your uncle Mr Grem gave me sometyme agoe, a very sorry
account of them. Let me know also, how your mother & Coll
Elliot are, to ym give my respectful service; I'm bless'd
be God in very good health, & so is my mother & sister, &
the rest of your freinds in this place. But I wrestle with many
difficultyes, on th' account of Cap.tn Green. for tho' the soberest
& wisest sort see the mistake this nation did fall into yet
they dare not out of fearfulnes, indicate openly either justice
or the [truth], & [illegible] albeit I never provoked any
man to be my enemie, yet persones who'se ptly guided by only,
& & ptly they whose sentiments I oppos'd in the defence of that innocent stranger
oppose controll my interest on all occasions, but, I thank God, they have
not yet prevail'd in their malicious designs, & purposes [to]
[no] me for my innocence, gives me [illegible] peace within &
[frees] me from of fear, from [illegible] [without]. Sir, I purpose to
write to you once a month, & not on all occasions to
give you real proofs of my being Sr YM. A. & D. C. & very hmble
12. Jan.r 1706. I wrote to Rob.t Gordon at Walsingham. about no parti-
cular pressing busines.
ditto. I wrote to Mr Vanderburrh about his affairs if Mrs Wood, promis'd [him]
money by febr. next. acknowledg'd receipt of 59.[th] greaf I wrote I [gave] for
confirming [&c] a testament. 16.[th] & to Tho. Mercer 2.[th] & promis'd to hold
compt for 41: I spent [SB] more at Mr Mercer & Hary [Larny]