26. feb. 1709
I'm glad to hear you're at London
Being desirous to know how you are in
health at present, & to be inform'd of your
state and condition since I heard last from
you I send this lyne, for my part I thank
God, I'm in very good health, & labouring
what I can in an honest sober way to
Better my self, & tho' I don't fight war
after your way, yet I assure you I'm in
a fighting condition with respect to the undeserved malice
& opposition I meet with, w.ch nevertheles
has not been able to do me any sensible
hurt, Pray let me hear from you, & send
me your address, al freinds here ar in health
& Mr Grem & family have yr love kindly
remembered to you.
I am Sir
YMA Cos.