London Dec:r ye 1709.
Dear Cousin
Upon my late arrival here in town I saw
a letter of yours writ to Mr Elliot, wherein
you very obligingly enquire after me; where-
fore in order to satisfy your curiosity in
that point; I do my self the honour of
writing you this, assuring you that I should
be very glad of carrying on a better Cor-
respondence by letters, than hitherto we have done.
I am just now return'd home with my health
& Limbs from Campaining it in Flanders,
being as yet in ye same station as formerly.
My Brother is still at Gibralter
, where he has
been these 5 years, being there Governour &
Brigadeer. My Mother is with my Sister in
, but I'm afraid will not live long.
If you desire any farther particulars, you
shall have them in ye next from
Dear Sr
Your very affectionate Kinsman
& Most Obedient Humble Servant
A Spotswood
Pray give my humble Respects
to your Mother & Sister