London March ye 14th 1709/10
Dear Cousin
I have some time delay'd writing to you, because I had
a prospect of satisfying you in a point that you seem'd by
a former letter to be desirous of; wch was that I might retire
from the dangers a military Life exposes me to: and now I can
assure you that I have accomplish'd it, having obtain'd Her Majesty's
Comission to go to the Government of Virginia. My Lord Orkney
is the real Governour thereof; but not likely ever to go thither;
& it is agreed that I paying him 1200 Pounds Sterl p annum,
shall enjoy ye entire command of that Province, wth the whole
Salary & Perquisites thereof, wch amount to about 2800£ p annum.
The appearance of a sudden departure puts me in a mighty hurry
to make the necessary preparations for so long a Voyage & so
distant a Residence; so that unless I happen to stay longer than I
now expect, I hope you'll excuse me till my arrival at my Government,
if I entertain you with no long discourse of my present Circumstances.
I shall only tell you in short that My dear Mother dyed in Ireland
since my arrival from Flanders
; that my Brother is very easie in his
Circumstances, & that his Will is made entirely in my favour; that the
Trustees I have constituted for ye management of my affaires during my
absence, are Mr Wm Elliot in York-buildings & Mr Rich Brayne in Channel-
Row in Westminster, in whose hands my Will is lodg'd, & in case
of mortality it may be your Interest to look after it;
and lastly that
I am
Dear Cousin
Your most affectionate Kinsman
& Obedient humble Servant
A Spotswood.
Direct always to Mr Wm Elliot.