Williamsburg in Virginia Aug: 17.th 1710
Dear Cousin
I lay hold on this first opportunity to acquaint you
of my safe arrival in this Colony on ye 20th of June last after
a voyage of ten Weeks. I have enjoy'd my health perfectly well hitherto,
& have no reason. to doubt my preserving it the rest of the Year, since
I have kept it during the hottest & most dangerous Months.
The life I am likely to lead here is a perfect retir'd Country-life;
for here is not in the whole Colony a place that may be compar'd to
a Brittish village; every one living disperst up & down at their Plan
tations, possessing there all food necessary for humane life (nay
& luxury too) & procuring their Raiment by the returns which their
Tobacco makes in Great Brittain.
I have a fair prospect of a good Agreement with the People,
& believe I shall live very contentedly here; for if I have not the
Diversions of London (wch I do not in the least hancker after) neither
have I the perplexitys of that Town.
There are now monthly Pacquet Boats setled between Bristol & New York
& we are setting up a post between this place & N. York; so that the
entercourse of letters will be more frequent than hitherto has been: & I
beg that you will not deny me the satisfaction of your Correspondence,
wch will be most agreable to
Dear Sr
Your Most Affectionate Kinsman
& Obedient humble Servant
A Spotswood