Virginia Aug: ye 1712
Drest Cousin
On ye of April last I was favour'd wth Yours of the Novemr before,
together wth ye two Books of your own publishing, whereby I understand you
chiefly pass your time in studys that may be of benefit to your Country;
& I perceive too that you do not forget to be usefull in your Generation
& to keep up ye Family by an honourable Marriage, wch I heartily con-
gratulate you upon, together with ye Birth of your son & Heir.
As for my part, I am still a Batchelour, & never to this day offer'd
at being otherwise: wch has proceeded , not from any Aversion I had
to Matrimony or Inclination to a loose Life, nor from any Distrust
I had either of my own Humour or Ability to content a Wife; but
partly from a Consideration of ye inconveniencys yt attend a Married
Soldier, & partly from a caution of encreasing ye Family with such
as might be more likely to Discredit than Honour it by ye Meaness
of their Condition: Yet now ye Case is altered as to ye first point,
by my quitting ye Military life; & as to ye other, a little time will
I hope discover whether I may venture. And for a while I must forbear
giving you any positive answer to what you propose concerning
the purchase of the Barony of Dersey, tho' with abundance of
Thanks I now acknowledge your Favour & Kindness to me therein,
as likewise for ye manner of Entailing your estate, which I do
assure you is but conformable to my last Will & Testament in
relation to your Self & your Heirs.
As to ye young Man you mention to have been bred a Surgeon Apothecary,
I can really give him no great Encouragement to quit any tolerable business
in Scotland to come & settle in Virginia; for ye ill treatment that this Country
has heretofore met with from Pretenders in Physick, has accustom'd the
Chief Inhabitants to send to Gr. Britain for their Druggs, & in all slight
Cases to practice Physick themselves both in their own Familys & among
their Neighbours.
I brought along with me an ingenious experienced Graduate Physician
(the only one now in the Country) who upon the account of his extraordi-
nary Success, wth ye reputation of being the Governour's Doctor, has got
into all ye chief Business, wch was before divided among a great many
little Practitioners; yet he scarce makes 200 Pounds p annum, tho' he
takes ye pains to ride at least 80 Miles p Week for it.
I am sorry ye other young Man, ye
Cabinet-Maker, whom you recommended
to me 'ere I left London, did not come over; for such like Trades-men
need never want for Work here & with it good Wages.
Pray give my humblest Respects to your Lad, & believe me to be
with great Truth & Esteem
Dear Sir
Your Very Affectionate Kinsman
& Most Obedient
Humble Servant
A Spotswood