Edin.r Oct.r 4. 1712.
Dearest Cousin
On the 22.d of last month I receav'd per post your let.
ter of Aug. 1.st w.ch was acceptable, and made know wt some regrett, (what
I beleiv'd to have been otherwise) That you was not married, for I wish
you wer in a state that wou'd multiply the family,—Four dayes after
I gott your letter my wife brought furth a daughter, I long to hear the
lyke from you—Wee all are in good health, and I earnestly desire
you'd ommitt no occasion of letting us hear from you,
as, in your
respect, shall be done, by
Dear Sir,
Your very affectionate Cousin &
most humble servant.
This bearer Mr Andrew Thomson a churchman is recommended to your
favour, w.ch I pray you'd freely dispense to him when he shall need it, he is
the brother of a learn'd physician in Montrose, and sd to be every way
accomplish'd and that you'le find him in manners learning & ability not inferi such as can be demanded from one of his profession, I have this character of him, from one whom
our to any in your government
I esteem, & who I believe is not prodigal in inclin'd to flattering, or, prodigal in praiseing persons
Your takeing care of him, if you find he answers to this recommendation
will be acceptable to me.