Copy of the letter of recommend—
To E Governour of Virginia sent
in May. 1717
May it please Your Excellencie.
I am desired by the Right Honourable The Earle of Hume
[faded]eritable Sherriff of Berwick-Shire (within which the Barony of
Spotiswood lyeth, and I presently reside) (the Office of Sherriff in Scotlande to re-
being much like that of Lord Lieutenant in England, with the addition of
Jurisdiction Civil & Criminal) His Lordship, I say, desires m
commend to your Favour One John Brown late a Chyrurgeon in Cold-
Stream, who (as he is informed) has come to the place of your Government
This gentleman is unknown to Me, but (as I've inform'd my Self) has the
reputation of Skill in his Employment, and of being a Man of—
probity: His Friends hear that You have been very kind to him,
for which they & thank You. [blot] Beside the regard I owe to this noble Earle Both your Excellence and I have
reason to wish well to Mr Brown for his Kindness and Care Shewen
to a fellow-Traveller Mr Francis Hume Advocate, whose Father
the Laird of Wedderburn was Cusin-german to your Father & Mine.
By his Mother, a daughter of the—Lord Preston—grange's your Grand
Mothers Sister, And I hope this Gentleman's Blood Relation will pro-
cure to him your protection to him, Whom I recommend to be pro-
vided for in such manner as Your Excellence shall think fit, and
find him capable of —— I have not heard from You of a long
time, nor do I know if the Letter I sent some time ago since has ever —
come to hand: I request that You would let me hear from your
self how You are, and that You wou'd be pleased to advise me how
a Correspence may be surely kept—All your Friends here are in
good health, and extreamly well pleased with the sweet odour of your
Fame, and wise and prudent Government—
My Wife, our two Sons,
and two Daughters your Cusins present their hearty Love & Service
and I am