In May last I did write to you and signified
my desire to maintain by letters a correspondence by wth you not to regulate,—
Letters and
And at [illegible] hold of this occasion, I renew the same re-
Quest—I recomend to your protection
Alexr Ker, a younger sone of the Laird of
Graden in Febioldalo, a [jeweller] by
trade, who has sett up a shope in William'sburg
his mother is a daughter of [illegible] Su[illegible]
of Rosolm, & again her mother & grand
mother wer Spotswoods of our family.
the East being a daugher of the archby
hop.—I hope you'le find the bearer
hereof Pat Chalmers merchant worthy
of your favour, wch I desire you may
bestow upon him wee have had some
meetings together & have drank your
health X &I have not had a letter
from you thes many years, & I pray you
may free me from the anxiety [faded]
& fear that I may [faded]displeased [faded]
[] I know not of