Virginia August the 6th 1720
I am to acknowledge the honour of yr letter of the
22d of February, and the pleasures it gave me in having an opportuni-
ty [illegible] of obeying the commands of one so nearly related
to our Governor, to whom I on the greatest obligation of gratitude
I will not give you the trouble of a particular Narration
of Mr Andrew Thomsons affairs, Because I have written at
large to his brother Dr Thomson and believe he will communicate
to you what I have told him; may be necessary to be done on his
part for the better recovery of his brothers effect & the indeminty
of those concerned for him here agreeble to the Laws and—
Constitution of this Province. As nothing has been transacted
since Mr Thomsons death, but with the appobation of this Goven
Dr Thomson & his friends may be assured of all the justices &
fair dealing he can desire; & as soon as the necessary Powers are
seen hither, that all possible diligence shal be used to remitt his
brothers Effects to his hands.
I shal only add that I shall on all occasions be proud of the
Honr of yr commands and that I am with great respects
yor most obedient
Humble Servant
Wil Roberston