I heartily Thank you for the Expressions
of Kindness to myself and Children, I found in your
Letter sent to me by Mr McFairlane who gives the
Glad Tidings of your Designe to come to Brittaine in Summer next—
when I hope to see you face to face.—My
wife, with our two Sons and two Daughters who
are all in health, Blessed be God, Tender to you their
Sincere Love and Humble Service—The—
Circumstances of my Affairs are much the same, they
were when I wrote of Them to you Some years Since,
and I Designe to putt my Business in Such order that
my Children Shall not be obnoxious to trouble from
others, And to make Such Settlement of a part of my
Estate which may be for ever a Supply to our—
posterity, And thereby be not onely Screened from the fear of wanting means
of Living And but also freed from the chances of fortune & Dependence on others To—
all the hardships and Inconveniences our family has
been exposed these Nynly years past--My Stepson
and Designed to goe anotr voage to your Country—
and I Shall but once more Recommend them him
to your protection and favour, not Doubting, when
you Come to be more Intimatly acquainted with him you'll
find your Kindness to him most [Estemed]—I
most Likewise putt you in Mind of the affair be-
longing to D:r Thomson who is a faithful friend
and weel wisher of our house, Recommending you
to the Care of the Almighty and praying you
may be Keept from the Malice of your Enemies—
I Continue to be while I Live
Dear Sir