Virginia July ye 12th. 1723
Dear Cousin
Your Son in Law Mr McFarlane favouring me unexpectedly with
a short Visit at my present place of Residence in Spotsylvania County,
& bringing your Letter of ye 29th of November last, I could not in justice
to You suffer him to depart without an Epistle, tho' in good Manners
to my Guest I make it a short One, & must take a more leisure time
to inform you of many particulars relating to my Circumstances in this
part of the World, which it is very necessary that You & your Sons should
be acquainted with; because in the Disposition of my Estate your House
has in all the Wills I have hitherto made been the principal object of
my favour: And after such a Declaration of my Intentions, I can add
nothing that can give you better assurances of my being with great
Dear Sir
Your Most Affectionate Kinsman
& Obedient Humble Servant
A Spotswood
Whatever delays Doctor Thomson's Affaires
have met with, it has not of late lain in my way
to remove them, by reason of my long Absence last Year
out of this Colony, & my frequent Residence this year
at a place near 200 miles distant from where those
affairs must be transacted. However since I receiv'd
his & your Letters I have been at Hampton, & find
Mr Robertson has not touched any of the Effects,
but that they are still in Mr Wythe, the Administrator,
his hands, who has now faithfully promised me to bring the Business to a period so soon as Mr
Hercules Scot, Doctor Thompson's new Attorney, appears with his full Power