Edinbr 1740
Dr Cousin
As the great distance that is
betwixt us hinders me from having Such a Closs Cor-
respondence wt you as the Tyes of Blood & my own
Inclinations promps me.
Knowing that this shall [certainly] come to your home
Altho I wrote you home years ago
I take the opportunity of this Young Gentleman Mr
Jo Gibson descended of an Honourable family in this
Country & who also has got a Command under you.
Hoping you will be so good as Inform me of the
Situation of your family, & how I might Settle a
frequent correspondence at least as often as the distances
will admitt of.
Your own personall merit having not only raised
you to the High Station in which his Maj. has placed
you but justly acquired you the Esteem & regard of all
good men & the affection you have upon all occasions
testifyed in favours of your Countrymen emboldens
me to recommend this young Gentleman to your pro-
tection & as he is but a novice in the art Military that
you who are as Justly reckoned Esteem'd a Compleat
master in that Sicence will afford him your best
Council & advice So as that he may Somtime hence own
his knowledge therein to so great a proficient as the
Gentleman has the Honour to be related to some of
the best familys here Wt some of whom I am personaly
acquainted I'm hopeful You will find him after
you are acquainted with him that his own personall
merit had been sufficient to recommended him to your
[patronimy] better then any thing I could Say in his behalf
May you still go on in paths of acquiring new honours
& purchasing these Laurels So justly dew to your merit
so as you may be added in the annals of fame to those
of our ancestors who have trod the same paths of Virtue
befor you is the Sincere wish of him who upon
all occasions is
This Mr Gibson was Son to Gibson of Addiston
he dyed on ye Expedition
To Aler Spottiswood Esqr Mayor Generall
of his Majesties forces in America