You Remember Sometime Ago you desired
me to write my Brother Andrew To Enquire concerning
General Spotiswood which I did Accordingly And in
Consequence thereof had the Inclosed under his cover since
my arrival here about Eight days ago, The writer of
the Same Andrew Informs me is the Generals Executor
And his Information to be depended upon for truth
If you can Satisfy him with respect to the Arch Bishops
Issue I expect you will Comply with his desire And
transmit the Account to me with your Conveniency
I expected to have had the pleasure of seeing you &
your friends w.o you at your house in the Country
this vacance But I have been detained so long in
Orkney, And for that reason my business so much
behind hand That I believe it will be Scarce possible
for me to have that satisfaction. Please make my Com-
pliments to Your Lady And the Lady Charleton And
Believe me allways to be in Sincerity
Dear Sir
Your most Humble Servant
John Anderson
Edin.r 29th Sep.r