Copy of epitaph 12 February 1744/45
Tacel Sub isto Maurisona Marmore,
Adeo Ore, pectore, Moribusque Condidis
Ut Ipse Livor nil potest corpere,
Femella piamvis, mente plusue mascula
Et ante Canos cana eval prudentia,
Pietate priscis quie vigebat Seculis,
Uno verbo, Fotea Virbulum omnium,
Ostensa tervis, Mose recepta ad celites.
Copy of a letter from Robert Spotswood to his children, 1646
My Dear Children
It is Gods pleasure yt you be deprived of mee, [yt
] I trust,
will not be wanting to supply my Loffe to you anuyo way.
especially if you Seek him earnestly gch I beg of him yt you
may my boy for ye present will have a care of you; untill ye
country be quieted I have left ye charge of you chiefly to
him as nearest to me & I doubt not bot kindest to you. yor—
Grand moyr uncle & friends of yor moyrs side I enjoyne you to
honour & respect & the Laird of furd & Mr John Seerigal as much
as any; go if I be not mistaken will give place to none for kindnes
& good ad vise. All yt I have to bequeath you is ye example of
my loyalty: gch as you looke for a blessing from heaven or will
have mine to light upon you I command you to Imitate & never
to set yor faces against yor prince for any cause gt so ever: I hope
you you shall sustain neiyr infamy nor prejudice by this death
of mine if you are not wanting to let yor selves oyrwise present my last
good night to furd & his bedfellow & so praying God may plant his
feare in yor hearts & to supply ye place of a fayr unto you in my
Blessing Upon you both & Upon the two younger ones I rest for
your very Loving fayr [Sic Sulekirbibur]
Ro Spotswoode
The above Copies of Sir Ro Letters to his Children & [illegible] his Hyness are transcribed from the
Originalls in the Custody of F. Sp[illegible]d of that Ilk
and are hereby attested to be genuine by me
the F. Sp[illegible]d In Wittness
The [Derquet] added to the forgoing papers sent to
The above forgoing Coppies of Sir Roberts Letter to his Children and their
Birth, with his Hymn (after Sentences) are transcribed by W. [Rawilen]
and Carefully Compared deverbs in verbum with the originals, which are in the Custody
of J: S—d of that ilk and are hereby attested to be genuine
In witness wherof I have subscribed their presents this 12
Febry 1745 [E Sp]
The day of my Childrens birth
I was Marryed upon my wife Bethia Morrison in
prestongrange upon ye 6 of June being a Saturday 1629
God called her 17 Novr 1639 John my first borne was
borne in Edinr 22 Feb: 1630 being a Monday about a
quarter of an hour befor nine a clock at night & was
Christened 6 march following by Mr John Maxwell
called after my father Alexr born in prestongrange
on Sonday ye 26 of August 1631 about 3 a clock in the
Morning & was christened ye tuesday following m in ye kirk
of Salt preston by Mr John Ker called after my fayr in
Law who was Lying Sick in ye [illegible] and dyed ye 20 of—
Septr following. Helenor born in Edin.r upon Sunday
ye 26 March 1633 about a glen of an house after eight
a Clock at night & was Christened & was christened ye
thursday following by Mr J Maxwell called after
my Mother in Law; she dyed ye 11 Jar 1634 William
Born in Ed.r 1 decr 1634 being a Monday about a
glen befor two in the afternoon & was Christened ye
Thursday following by Mr Andrew Ramsay his Godfayr
Were, ye earle of Dumfries ye Laird of Ross[glen] Wm
Dick of braide & Mr Wm Scot clerk of e Lession God
called him ye 29 Janr 1636.
Rachell born in Edir on Monday ye 21st march 1636 about
half ane houre after ten at night & was christened upon
Tuesday ye 29 of ye same by Mr Andrew Ramsay named
after my moy.r
Robert Born in Edrr on Sonday ye 17 Septr 16361637 about befor Six a clock in ye morning & was
half an houre
christened on ye friday after by Dr Hannoy Dean of Ed:r
named after my Lord Boyd yo was his chief Godfay.r
Bethia born in Edr on Tuesday ye 22 of october 1639
about half ane houre after nine in ye morning & was
Christened ye same night at even by Mr Andre Ramsay
named after my wife God called her in Jary next follow-
ing I being for ye time in London
Copie of Sr Robert Spottwoode's Hymn wrote in
his own hand writting.
When I See, thes O Saviour to a Judge
Whose, crosses Sinnes were [vidder] then the Scarlet, [trudge]
upon thy blessed feet, Should I grow lame
to go to dye, or think that Sentence shame
when I behold O Son of God their Scorns
and How they mocked thee wt a Crown of Thorns
When I look on that cursed Crew, that Spitt
Upon thy Sacred face & buffet it
Shall I think Shame when I the Like Shall See
done by the like (Lord) when I come to thee
When I behold, thee naked, Stript of all
thy Ornaments, and Bloody Miscreants fall
to part thy Garments, why should I repine
If there should be no friend to Ransom mine
and when I see those hands perst throu wt holes
wch grasp this all & Span at once the [illegible] poles
Shall I not reach out mine that they may Christ
what Cords So eve they please about my wrist
I will, O Saviour, whilst, I look on thee
nailed to the Cross, think no dath Infamie
let them apparell it also as grim & Sad
as y Wiltie Crueltie can make it, add
yet still move weight, unto my Miseries
I like a generous palm shall higher rise
and whilst they lop my branches off, will grow
more straight more upward & more evenly too
Let em bestow on every wind a Limb
open all my vaeins at onece yt I may Swim
from hence to thee in yt same Crimson lake
then plant my pierboil'd head upon a stake
Scatter my ashes, throw them in the Air
Lord Since thou knows where all the Atoms are
I care not, thou will recolect my dust
and I am Sure will raise me with the Just