Revrd Sir
Since I wrote you by Mr Nasmith
I sent a book Spottswood's Practicks to my Cousin I have not had the pleasure of
hearing from My Cousin Him or you, and that is about two years
ago only I had a short Line from you acquainting me
of my Cousins Marriage & likewise that you would write to me
in a little time after: wch has delayed occasioned me Not
to write upon receipt of yours.
I wish John all manner of Happiness & Satisfaction in his
new state of Life & I hope by this time he is a father but I could
have wished that he had Traveled made the ordinary Tour
of France
& Italy
befor he had Settled.
I have always been in Expectation that John wou'd have
wrote to me himself for I assure you nothing would gives me
more pleasure then of seeing or hearing from my friends and
relations and as there I wou'd Wish we cou'd establish a as I have no Expectation of the
Settle upon a proper
former at present I wou'd gladly make the Latter as—
freqeunt as possible & not Stand upon the Ceremony of
Letter for Letter for we have an old proverb here wch no
doubt you'll remember where there is too much Ceremony
there is Little Kindness & therefor we shou'd embrace every
opportunity that offers & for that end I have been endeavore
ing to find out a proper place so as we may never
want hearing from one anoyr once a year at least and I
think I have at Last found a place wch is very convenient
for me And I hope will be the same for my Cousins & you
The Town of Drumfries being a place that Carrys on a
great Trade for Tobacco wt you and have Ships going and
Coming almost every moneth from Virginea will be a [proper]
[faded]all for keeping up a Correspondence & keeping Maintain-
ing that Intercourse of friendship & Coversation wch absence
denys This place is [habitate] Six miles above New abbay and
your directing your Letters to me by their ships to the Care of William
Gracie in the Western Glenn of New abbay will come Safe
to my hand at any time where ever I am for this person
manadges all my affairs in this Country and one that I
am very much obliged to & this probably wil be delivered
you by a young man affe called John Dickson who is a
Nephew of his & has been in Virginea for sometime and as I
Understand by the Merchants here has a very good Character
given of him by their Correspondents wt you I likewise observe
from the young man's letters to his father wch I have often seen
that he has a great Inclination to do well & Improve his Talent
to the best advantage but as he is a young man a Stranger
(and not haveng had great Experience of the World) no doubt
he wou'd be the better of the patronage & friendship of people
of Condition in the Country So I hope as I was taken with the
His way of writing to his father Testifying his Inclination to
Industry & Thriving I have used the Freedom to reccomend him
to my Cousins & you in the Strongest manner if they or you could be
any way helpfull to him in geting him right Settled it would
not only be doing Contributing to the good of Man our fellow
Creature in generalle but it would be doing me a Singular favour in particular
for his Uncle Mr when I came a Stranger into this—
Country his Uncle Mr Gracie was the first man who did
me any Service in my affairs and has always been doing
me good offices Since so that I think upon ye above considerations I have Some Interest in
the young man to Contribute all in my power to have
him Settled in a good way. upon the above Considerations
and I hope upon what is said my Cousins & you will
pardon my recommending him so warmly I begg you'll
[illegible] let me have the pleasure of hearing from My Cousins
and how they are & what Children Mrs Moir [hath] all my I was in the Expectation of seeing my young Cousin
family desire to be Kindly remembered to Them, Some
in this Country by what I heard from some person by I don't
remember who it was that he was they told me he was [illegible]
coming over here for the Compleating of his Education wch
would have afforded me great Satisfaction.
My wife and
I offer our Kind Compliments to you & all our Cousins and
believe me Sincerly
R. S.
Newabbay 29 Septr