I expected you wou'd have favour'd
me with an account of your Broyr & your safe arrival
in Virginia & how your Moyr Sister and aunts were. Since
you have been so long Silent I have ventured to
path the way for our future correspondence and
it shall be your fault if it fail.
My brief principal motive of in this proceeds from an the accord
a conversation I had lately with a Gentleman lately arrived from
Virginea, as I'm always fond to [have intelligence]
of your Aunts & you, He informed me you had got
a partner for Life & was marryed to a very deserving
young Lady on which happy event you'll give me
leave to congratulate you. and May you both enjoy
all the comforts this Life can afford give & be Blesse'd with
a numerous offspring and May God Spare you both
to live & see them tread in th footsteps of their
Ancesstors whereby they will gain the approbation
and Merit the esteem & regard of all good men
Altho' this Intelligence gave me pleasure yet you
Must forgive me to Suggest that now you must
endeavour to Supply the defect of Travailing whereby
others learn The knowledge of Men & Manners by your
own application & a steady adherence to the paths
of Virtue & Honour. But least you should imagine
I'm turned preacher I'll turn the leafe and leave
the rest to your own reflection & good Sense.
I shall be fond to hear what your Brother is doing
& in what Sphere in Life he intends to move either
Civil or Military, and how your Sister and Aunts
are & what Children they have & if there is any chance
of any of them ever coming to this part of the World.
When I had the pleasure of Seeing you at Windsor I
gave you a Short detail of my children with the History
of My Family from which you are descended [but] as you
was then Young & this Interview happening Some years
ago I shall at this time only Inform you how my Sons
are all Settled whereby the conveyance of letters maybe
rendered both Safe & easie.
(a)As the Law has
been hte opro-
session of the
Family for
above a
(a) My Eldest John has been for Some years past has been
Settled at London as a Solicitor for Scots affairs and is in
High reputation & great Bussiness his House is in—
Northumberland Street in the Strand. The Second went
very young to Jamaica & within these few years
has purchased an Estate in the Island of Tobago which promises
to make very great returns & the more so as he was
perfectly acquainted with the culture of the West-
Indies befor he went to Settled in that Island. The Youngest
Robert I'am Educating In the English Law & his time
is Just now near out with Mr Thoresby an Attorney near the
Exchange London with whom I bound him an apprentice
for Five years.
I understand you have frequent Intercourse with
Bristoll where there is one Mr Davis a Merchant who
is very Well acquainted with my Eldest son and would
take particular care pay all due attention to forward any letters directed to him my son.
ships are allways passing to & from Glasgow and My
Eldest daughter is Marryed to a Gentlemen whose Seat
is in the Neihbourhood of that city Glasgow & he known almost to every
body of note in it. that City his Name & address is Archibald Robertson Esqr
of Bedlay So there is No difficulty of conveyance.
I have only to add that this will be delivered by a
very deserving young Gentleman Mr Davidson who
has resided in these Two three years in Virginea He is the
Son of a very Worthy Father who was my schoolfellow
and for[deleted] whom I have always retain'd Since my early years
a very great friendship So for the Father's sake I beg leave
Warmly to recommend the Son to your Notice & what
favours you are pleased to confer upon him I will
esteem as a particular obligation. I desire With great
affection to present my Compilmts to all our friends tho'
unacquainted and I am with great Sincerity
Dr Sir
Your affect: Cousine & most
Faithfull Humble Sevt,
Direct for me
To Jo Spottiswoode of that Ilk Edinbr
This direction will find me where
ever I am
Spottiswoode House.
in the County of Berwick
29 May 1773
To Alexander Spottiswoode Esqr