S. Spotswood to J. Spotswood, 17 September 1801
Clapham September 17.th 1801
My dear Papa,
Your last kind Letter gave me
great pleasure and I take the earliest opportunity to answer
it. My Brothers Robert and Henry came to see
us about three weeks ago, they were both perfectly well,
the Hooping cough having entirely left them.
I shall endeavour to follow your
kind advice and apply to my studies in such a manner
as to be much improved at your return. My Sisters
unite with me in Duty to you and Love to my Brothers.
M.rs Mellor and M.rs Felton present Compliments.
I remain, my dear Papa,
Your dutiful Daughter,
S. Spottiswoode.
R. F. Spotswood to J. Spotswood, 17 September 1801
My dear Papa
I was happy to learn by your
kind Letter that you and all the Family
were perfectly well. my Sisters and I are
quite so. I received a Letter from Marion Hamil-
ton Yesterday. she and all the Family and Dalzell
are quite well. My Sisters unite with me
in Duty to you and Love to my Brothers.
M.rs Mellor and M.rs Felton present Compliments
I remain,
My dear Papa,
Your dutiful Daughter.
R. F. Spottiswoode.