Febry 10th 1695/6
Knowing not when I shall be able to pay my Duty to yor Excellency
att Annopolis, beg leave now to congratulate it of its late reecovery,
& return my humble thanks for ye perusall of ye news papers, it was
pleas'd to send me P M.r Loyd likewise to lett yo:r Excellency know how they
work't with me: I'le assure it they were ye same to me, as a dram
of ye bottle is to a fainting Plantor at ye end of his rowe; or a mess
of Cuscome to a hungry Moore (Excuse if I miss in my Othography,
(for I pretend neither to Arabick nor Moriscoe) Besides this
solace to my spiritts, they caus'd a Strange Metamorphys on my
body. The paines of ye goute, did rather tickle then torment me, &
ye grimaces they caus'd meof us'd to make were turn'd to smiles; And indeed
Sr who could forbeare, to see an old Marquiss as he of Arquien ye
Queen of Poland's Father soe sollicitous for ye Purple, even to—
committ forgery; And as Old a Pope as unwilling to grant it, on ye
other side ye Duke of Modena makeing his Court to be hid of it, &
ye same Pope Loth to accept it; it reminded me of yo:r Excellency's
Phylosophy, & made me think, there's as many modificacons in men as
aire. The Intelligencer in ye same advice tells us they're about the
Canonization of Pope Innocent ye eleaventh, I know not whether he
Canters or not, if its true as he says yt ye Patriarck Matei is collecting
all his miracles (amongst which ye recovery of Don Livio is none of ye
least) and yt ye Pope would faine have done in his raigne, the
Confederates may have a Saint; but I believe France will never
erect any Church or Alter to his honour, neither will a great
many more ever put him in their Litanny: The Advice from
France is not less pleasant, I've not read soe much of King James
his wife, & ye diminitive Prince of Wales as ye Intelligencer stiles
'em since ye abdication: But ye French King's proiect to obstruck ye
Duke of Modena marriage pleas'd me most, if he could but effect
it; The diminitive Prince insteed of ameteor England would have
a certaine Plantacion in Italy; And indeed Sr it would be very
hard yt a lad of soe soft an education should be forct to work for
a livelyhood when he comes to be a man, for want of something
To live on, which else he must doe, For it is not probable yt his
Father or Mother liveing upon another man's Quarter & haveing
noe priviledge to raise a Stock for 'emselves should leave any thing
behind 'em. However ye French King's proiect may take with ye
Duke of Modena: The Intelligencer's advice to Noales & ye other
sick Generall will not be likt, he counsells 'em to die now, yt
Father De la Rue may preach their funrall Sermons as he
did Luxemburgh's: I fancy they'd rather than lye dead in ye mid[damaged]
St Anthonys Church upon a rich Mausoleum environ'd with a
thousand wax lights, & all ye nobility of France, & have their—
heroick Atcheivements pronounc'd with all ye graces of yt great
Orator, hear and old Story by ye light of a farthing Candle. Since
wee are upon advice sure ye Old greatyegenerall Duke of Lauson had none; to
marry (after he had liv'd above three score yeares a Batchelour)
DeLorge's youngest daughter a girle of fifteen; In my mind he'd better
don, as Majr Dawsey when he was strong & lusty for he'le find it
more difficult now to make a breach there; then he did in any wall he
ever laid seige to: I pray God ye Generall I'me under may not fall into
ye same snare, [illegible] I'me heartyly glad England's soe quiett it affords
noe news, & ye taxes soe small yt ye Gentleman does not think 'em worth ye
mentioning, such he'd think ours here nothing, I pray God continue our
quiet & send up peace. Perry went from home last Saturday, he was
saying Yo:r Excellency wanted some posts off Popular Island if there's
any there yt can serve it in its building Yo:r Excellency may freely
command; I should be heartily glad I could anyway contribute to ye
perfecting these noble Idea's, it hath conceived for ye good of ye Province
ye which yt it may performe, Yor Excellencys health is sincerely desir'd &
wish't for by
of Yor Excellency's
the most humble & most Obedient
Peter Haset