Jan: ye 26
Good Mr Nicolson;
I Receiv'd 2 of yrs at Rocksavage & staid
ye Answering yem till I Came hear: y.t I might Return you thanks
for ye trouble you have given yr self about ye Nutts: but Alas
ye sea has Robe'd me of yem: for yr Marchants sends me word ye
vessel was Cast away & all Lost; but ye men: however my thankes
& obligations to you are ye same: we have ye sharpest Cold weather
yt Ever I felt: & ye Little Queen of virginne has been never free
from a Cold since she Came to towne: wch makes me wishe my self in
ye Country againe where I hope to be in March: for I am verry: weary of
this place it being verry diferent in all things from what I have
knowne it: but t'is no wonder since ye Glory of our sex is in heaven.
death has been verry busey wth ye Great Ladies here. poor La:d pawlett
& her mother ledd ye way: who Indeed is a great loss to her Children
La:d winchester quickly follow'd but of less Concern to ye familie;
& now Lady Radner; & La:d Brisbow La:d Elsberry; whoes lord is still in ye tower; on
ye accounte of ye Last Horrid plott: I am sorry people of their quality
should give occasion to be suspected; to Incourage so barbarous a thinge
Sr Jo: Fenwicke dies to morrow up ye accounte; ye Duke of Bolton
is as he usse't to be: & Lor Bridgwatter familie ye same you left yem
only he has had ye misfourtune to have as many others; an uniust
steward whereby he has lost at least 4000 p:d mr Walker spent freely
& all ye while told his Lord ye money was in ye tennants hands,
Mis Mead Governs Lor winchesters house & ye younge Ladies: Indeed
they are all fine Children. I hope you are in a warmer Climate
for freezland Can't be worse yen this at present ye Little Queen gives
her sarvis to you: so dose my Brother who is not yett in ye state
of Matrimony: I wishe you a happy New year & yt you may over
Come all yr Enemies: pen I hear is one yt dose not wishe you well
but I hope will have no power to hurt, you wch is heartilie wishe't by
Yr most affec:t frind