Jan. 5.
My attendance upon busines lies so hard
upon me at present; that I cannot answere you
so particularly, as otherwise I should have done
& shall yet do, if yr ships depart not too sud-
dainly. In ye mean time this comes by three wor-
thy men, in whom I doubt not but you will
find great comfort. For they go to you cheer-
fully without ye least encouragemt from his
Maj:tie, whose necessities will not afford it at
this time. I am afraid ye fund appointed for
ye Chaplain & Scholemaster in Pensilvania
will run ye same fate. For they tell me it is
very deficient. What yor Comissary will
do, I cannot tell: but I do by no means like
his Catalogue of bookes, & hope to have a
better drawn up very suddainly. In ye mean
time you will do well to consider what sort
of Act you will make for his establishment.
For now you know by yor's and all other Go-
vernours Comissions in America, there is re-
ferred to you three considerable articles
out of my Commisarship, Marriages, Probate of
Wills & Collation to Benefices. As to your Act
for establishing a Schole, under favour, I do
not think it well drawn. For certainly ye
Scholemaster ought to be appointed as well
as Licenced by his Diocesan. Not that I am
ambitious of ye Office: but to prevent. Mischief.
You see from ye example in Virginia, how easy
it is for a Governour to change ye face of things,
& from all good intentions & dispositions by re-
moving a few good men, & putting bad, or such as will
move at his beck in their room. So that as you
put it now in yor Act if an A. should governe
at any time in Maryland or an F. instead of an
N. how easy were it for them either to de-
stroy or corrupt ye Schole, & so make it either
useless or dangerous. I think ye names of these
three very good men are Arrowsmith, Gourdon & Lyne.
I find one Brechin likewise in my booke: I should be
glad to hear of him. If I cannot write another
Letter by this return, I beseech you to give my
most hearty thanks to all those gentlemen
of yor government, that were pleased to give
me so full assurace of their good will, wc I shall
ever gratefully remember. I desire you would
give my service & excuse likewise to Sr Thomas
Laurence, & to beleeve me
Yor most assured friend &
most humble serv.t
H: London