MS91.06: Peyton Randolph Papers
Peyton Randolph letter to Maria Randolph, 1806 October 23
My dearest wife
I write an answer to your
charming letter on the same paper, [illegible]
to shew you, in the first place how
perfectly I reciprocate your tender
wishes, and secondly, because I
I have no other paper to write on.
My ride yesterday was very uncom-
fortable, but I am now as well situated
as a man can be who is at a county
court and separated from his beloved
wife. I am perfectly well; but have
not time to pour forth half the torrent
of love with which my heart over-
flows, and must therefore reserve
myself for the blissful meeting which
must soon arrive.
Yours till Dooms day with
entire affection
P. Randolph
Peyton Randolph Papers
Maria Randolph letter to Peyton Randolph, N. D. [October 1806]
I have been miserable about you to day
my dearest husband—I would give worlds if you had
not gone out in this wretched weather. Pray take
great care of your precious health—Should you
feel any symtoms of a cold, bath your feet
in warm water when you go to bed; & drink
a little warm milk toddy. I am at a terrible
loss without you my dearest love, I can not [rest]
or work, & I fear I shall not sleep to nigh[t]
full am I of apprehensions on your account.
I do not feel well, but I must I shall be better
when you return. How anxiously shall I number
the hours which separates me from my
darling husband! and with what exquisite
delight shall I hail his return to the arms
of his fondest wife!
Maria Randolph
Thursday night
Do not fail to write. I know you will laugh at
the above—But I don't care—I cannot find words sufficiently,
expressive of my love for you.