My dearest wife
After a very hot ride I reached Richmond on
Sunday, without any material inconvenience. While
in Petersburg, I made a contract to deliver my wheat
to McKenzie, the price to be fixed within 60 days
after the whole is delivered. In the evening, I drank
claret & Burgandy with Capt. Scoll & others, which
were so delicious that I returned to the tavern in a
state that philosophers might envy. In the happy
reveries which then passed thro' my mind, you
may be sure that my beloved Maria, bore the most
conspicuous part.
Lucy has been very sick and I fear that if
the symptoms of amendment are not yet very decided.
She is extremely anxious to return to Richmond,
and I have written to M.r Daniel to offer him
my house until she is well enough to visit Amelia
I have received a letter from my father who is yet
in lexington, occupied in forming a thousand different
projects, the last of which is, to cut off the top of his
old chariot and convert it into a single horse vehicle
When this is done, it will puzzle the collected wisdom
of all the Coachmakers, to say to what denomi-
nation it belongs. I am rejoiced however, that
he is so employed. Whatever abstracts his thoughts
from the painful subjects which surround him,
is so much gained to his happiness.
As I know that a little scandal is better
than the most savoury viands, I beg that you will
inform the ladies in full congregation, that Pryor has gone off with M.r Fremon, the french
Teacher. "Poor woman she did not know any
Better" cries Candour &c. For further parti-
culars I refer you to Joe.
From the follies & [vices] of the world, I
turn to contemplate every human perfection, in the
image of my dearest girl: Here my wandering fancy
reposes, and only asks of Heaven to grant her length
of years, and that those years be full of happiness.
[torn] will be the path of life, if the dear
pledges of our love are preserved to us, and we
are permitted to witness the development of
every manly grace and every female charm.
Believe me, my Maria, this is the source of all real
happiness. All other pleasures are turbulent in the
moment of enjoyment, and flat and insipid in
the recollection. Those which spring from the domestic
circle, have a divine serenity in their [service], which
refines and exalts the soul.—
But I must conclude.
That Heaven may bless and protect you and my
children is the fervent prayer of your
devoted husband
P. Randolph