Persuant to the Order of York Court bearing date the 20th of January 1772 We being first Sworn did meet and appraise the Estate of Sarah Luster Decd.
To a Negro Woman Judith | 15..0..0 |
To 2 Yearlings and a Calf | 1..7..6 |
To 6 Shoats | 0..18..0 |
To 493 lb. of Pork at 27/6 pr. Hundred | 6..13..0 ¾ |
To one Mare | 4..0..0 |
To one Bed and Furniture | 3..0..0 |
To 4 Flagg Chairs | 0..10..0 |
To a Parcel of Pewter | 0..15..0 |
To a Parcel of Crockery Ware | 0..9..0 |
To one Skillet 2/. 1 pr. Scales and Spice Mortar 3/6 | 0..5..6 |
To a Churn, Sugar Tub and Candlestick | 0..5..0 |
To a Pott of Butter 12/. 1 Tubb of Lard 20/ | 1..12..0 |
To 1 dozen Bottles 1/3 a Parcel of old Iron 10/ | 0..11..3 |
To a Half Bushel and Basket | 0..4..6 |
To a Box Iron & Heater 3/9 1 Pot Rack 7/6 | 0..11..3 |
To a Cannister and Candlestick | 0..2..0 |
To a Case of Knives 5/ one Spaid 3/ one Ax 4/ | 0..12..0 |
To a Spinning Wheel and Card 12/6 1 Sifter 1/. | 0..13..6 |
To a Hogshead and Wheat 7/6 a Parcel of Peas 1/6 | 0..9..0 |
To 11lb. of Cracklings at 3d per pound one Chest 2/6 | 0..5..3 |
To a Parcel of Cotton 10/. a Beehive 7/6 a Tub & Salt 4/6 | 1..2..0 |
To a Cart and Wheels | 1..0..0 |
To 20 Barrels of Corn at 12/6 pr. Barrel | 12..10..0 |
To 3 thousand five Hundred Bundles Fodder at 2/. pr. bun. | 3..10..0 |
To Tops 24/. Shucks 1/ | 1..5..0 |
£ 57..10..9-¾ |
John Chapman
Hansford Hill
John Dunford
Returned into York County Court the 17th day of Feby. 1772 And ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur: