Agreeable to an order of York Court bearing date May 17th, 1773. We the Subscribers have appraised the Estate of Robert Wise dced. viz.
A Bed and Furniture | 2.10..0 |
one Spinning Wheel | ..6..0 |
one Case and 8 Bottles | ..8..-- |
2 Chests 7/6 1 looking Glass 7/6 | .15..-- |
1 Gun and Pair Pistols | 1..5.- |
1 Table 2/6 1 Sugar Cannister 3/ | ..5..6 |
2 Stone Potts 2/6 1 Jugg 1/3 | ..3..9 |
1 Box Iron and Heaters | ..3.- |
2 Axes 4/. 1 drawing Knife 6d | ..4..6 |
1 Bible 2/. Cand saw 1/ | ..3.- |
Pott, Rack and Hooks 7/6 | ..7..6 |
1 Frying Pan 1/. 3 Iron Potts 10/. | .11.. |
1 Iron Spitt 3/. old Iron and Basket 5/ | ..8.- |
3 Tubbs 3/9 3 Casks 5/. | ..8..9 |
Some Cotton 2/. 1 Iron Skillet 2/6 | ..4..6 |
a Parcel of Pewter | 1.--.-- |
2 Tubbs and a Piggin | ..2..0 |
1 Spice Mortar and Pestle | ..7..6 |
7 Bottles 1/6 1 old Saw 2/6 | ..4.-- |
7 Flagged Chairs 3/64 Shoats 12/6 | ..16.-- |
2 Bushels Corn 5/. 1 Razor 6d | ..5..6 |
4 Dunghill Fowls | ..3.- |
1 Hone | ..2..4 |
£ 11.3.10 |
John Kerby
John Kerby Junr.
Merritt Moore
Retuned into York County Court the 19th day of July 1773 and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: