Pursuant to an order of York Court bearing date the 17th May 1773 We the Persons mentioned being first Sworn hath met and Appraised the Estate of John Lester junr. deced as followeth.
1 Bed and furniture | 3.--.- |
1 ditto | 3.--.- |
1/3 Chests 1 Trunk and 7 flagged Chairs | 1..7..6 |
1 dish 6 Plates 2 Juggs & 1 Stone Pot | ..16.- |
2 Tubbs 2 Piggons Saddle and Bridle | 17..6 |
1 Spinning Wheel Baskets Tubb and Tray | ..8..0 |
1 Iron Pott and Skillet | ..6.- |
1 Half Bushel 2/. 2 Sacks 2/ 1 Mugg 6d | ..4..6 |
1 Looking Glass 2/6 6 Knives and forks 5/ | ..7..6 |
1 Sett flatt Irons 4/. 1 pr.Cards 1/6 | ..5..6 |
1 Parcel Clothes | 2..5..0 |
1 Sow and 3 Shoats | 1..5..0 |
1 Horse | 2..0.- |
1 Table | ..3.- |
£ 16.5.6 |
John Sclater
John Patrick
John Gemmill
Retuned into York County Court the 20th day of September 1773. and ordered to be Recorded.
Thos: Everard Cl: Cur: