Inventory — Mr. Jeremiah Fisher
In obedience to an order from the Right Honorable Sr. William Berkeley Knt. Govnr bearing date the 19th of August 1665 wee the Subscribed have Inventoryed the Estate of Mr. Jeremiah Fisher Decd. Comander of the Shipp Elizabeth now at Anchor in Yorke River.
Five peices of Cotton Ribbon-fifteen Silke Laces-two peices of small penny
Ribbon black & green-five pounds of brown thred-two peices of Manchester
binding-eleven woode combs-nine Ivory Combs-twelve peices of coloured tape
-three pound of coloured thred-six pre. Of Servts Bodyes-Three pr of Childrens
Bodyes-four peices of coloured tape-three doz & nine packs of Cards-half a
doz horne Combs-one doz of small horne Combs-three pound of whited brown
thred-two peices of Manchester binding-five peices of filleting-eight peices & ½
of narrow tape-three pr of Paragon Bodyes & stomachers sticht with thred-three
pr of ticking bodyes sticht with thread-one grosse of thread Laces-Seventeen
thousand of pins-four papers of great pins-seven ounces of cloth coloured silk
--two peices of statute Gallone-one pound & ½ of blacke thred-three hundred
of needles-twelve yds & 3 qters of silke moehaire-thirty three yds of silke
moehaire-twenty five yds of silke moehaire-thirty one yds of silke coloured
french taby-thirty four yds of Ash coloured french taby-one pound of light
coloured silke-eight pr of woollen stockens-five course Servts shirtes (vizt.,
coate & breeches-one pr of plain Shooes-Tenn yds & ½ of Skarlett coloured Bayes
--fifteen yds 3/4 of red Peniston-eighteen yds of stone gray Kersey-forty seven
Yds & ½ of red cotton-one end of white Jeanes-sixteen ells of broad course
Dowlesse-Thirty eight ells of fine Dowlesse-thirty one ells of course Lockram
--twenty nine ells & ½ of white flaxon cloth-fiftie nine ells & ½ of Canvas-
thirty seven ells & ½ of Humanes-twenty nine Ells of white flaxen cloth [faintly
crossed out]-fiftie seven yds of blew Linen-two doz with one odd stocken for
Children-one hundred dixty one pounds of Raisins in a large caske, the caske
not neare full-ninety three pounds of of Sope with the Box-two hundred sixty
eight pounds of Raisins grosse weight-one hundred sixty four pounds of Rice
grosse weight-twenty seven pounds of Sugar grosse-three cakes of Sope-A parcell
of old books-two old Blanketts-two old Sea Feather Beds one with a Canvas
ticking-two bolsters & two pillows one a flock bolster-two old small Rugs & an
old Blanket-eight prs of old stockens-four white wastcoates-four pr of wearing
drawers-five Dowlesse shirts-two Lockram shirts-two old black petticoats &
wastcoate-A parcell of old Linen & woolen in an old green Apron-A slate-
A small parcell of Spice for his own use-A squadron crosse staffe with other
Small instrumts-A pr T[ ]-two old trunks-four old sea flocke beds-tenn
pockett handercheifes-three capps-one old Dimity Capp-two pillowbers-two
neckcloths-ten Canvas napkins-six Canvas Sea small tablecloths-nine towolls
--t[wo] bands-two castors-two felts-three cloth shirtes old-one druggot wast-
coate & Tanny petticoate old-A Backsword [ ] Rapier-one Monmouth Capp- A
pr of small stillyds-A pr of large Stillyds-A parcell of very old & [ ] consid-
derable cloths-three old [ ] chests-three or 4 pr of old shoes-one bolster
--wee the Subs[cribed] have Inventoryed the e[state of Mr. Jeremiah] Fisher decd.
as it was [presented to us by Jno. Jaques] & according to [(blank space) sworne to this Inventory ].
# Tobacco | |
From Mr. John Rose of GlosterGloucester County upon Bill dated the 2nd of Feb 1662 | 0460 |
From Thomas Creteum of York County upon Bill dated March the 8 day 1663 | 0506 [500?] |
From Mr. Francis Albrighton of York upon Bill dated the 8th of March 1663 | 0414 |
From Henry Panne of Mondaye Creek upon Bill dated the 1st July 1665 | 0500 |
From Mr. Phillip Henley of the Eastermost River upon Bill dated 21 July '65 | 0500 |
of tobacco | 2374 |
One pr of french falls more | |
Three pr of old shoes more not Inventoryed | |
[2380] |
£ Money | |
From Mr. David Newell by Bill unto his Brother dated the 5 July 1665 | 04.0.06 |
From Mr. John Ludlowe of Rapahannock dated upon bill the 7th day of 9br | |
I suppose not rec[ ]ble | 03.17.00 |
07.17.06 | |
29.18.08 | |
In all upon book & bill of debts in money | 37.16.02 |
[37.17.02] |
From Mr. John Waters of New Kent County one Hogg abt two year old upon Bill Dated the 4th of February 1665
One woman Servt att Madam Vaulx house-One woman Servt at Thomas Ludwell Esqr.[Esquire] by [ blank ] hhd[hogshead] Send abord by my father waing-3246# gross-2722# neate
One hhd more which was send abord the weight I know not it came abord by my father
£ Money | |
From Mr. Temple of York County upon book dated the 3rd of July 1665 | 02.19.00 |
From Mr. Jonathan Newell upon book dated the 8th of August 1665 | 01.09.00 |
From Mrs. Mary Hall upon book dated the 8th of August 1665 | 05.05.00 |
From Mrs. Eliz.[Elizabeth] Gilleford upon booke at Several tymes | 02.02.00 |
From Mr. Israell Dennis upon the Acct of Mr. John Levett upon book dated The 1th July 1665 | 01.08.00 |
From Mr. Edward Gunnell of Chekahominy upon book dated the 11th July 1665 | 01.08.08 |
From Mr. William Hill upon book dated the 11th July 1665 | 02.05.00 |
From Mrs. Eliz.[Elizabeth] Vaulx upon book lade out for the use of the shipp | 06.19.00 |
From Mr. Whitehaire upon book dated the first of July | 00.09.00 |
Since the Eliz came into York River laid out by my father for the shipps use for wooding | 02.00.00 |
[For] Hiring of a sloope upon the shipps acct 5 weeks | 03.1.400 |
[Total 29.18.08] |
[For] one mans Imploy a month for to goe asloaping upon the ships Acct-250# Tob.
Two pounds four shillings I recd. Of Maddam Vaulx & 3 pr of small silver buttens Which my father deliv'ed unto her some days before deceased whereof I have Laid out already 10 shilling for Linen washt for him.
John Jaquis If hereafter I find any more I shall be Accomptable unto the Court.
Mr. John Jaquis sworne to this Inventory this 24th August 1665 & then Record.
March 11 1663
An accompt of what goods Madam Vaulx Received upon your Account
22 Ells ½ lockram, 10 Ivory Harfted Knifes, 11 Specell harfted Knifes, 10 Knifes
tipt with brasse att the End, 5 blacke harfted knifes, 4 horne Combs, 7 Ivroy Combs
3 doz. & 9 of the large Seseers, 1 doz. & 4 of the small Seseers, No. 34 5 thousand
& ½ of pins, 8 papers of pins of the largesttsize, No. 38 6 Thousand of pins, 2
papers of middle size penes, No. 39 1 doz. & ½ doz. of Cards, 1 doz. & ½ odz of Cards without number, No. 32 1 pound & ½ pound of whited browne thred, No. 33 1 pound of Sad coloured thredd, No. RB 1 pound of Red thredd, 1 pound of black thredd without number, 1 peice of white fillitinge, 3 peices of narrow white tape, 3 peices of
broade white tape, 5 peices of blue tape, 6 peices of narrow white tape, 3 peices
of cotton, 1 redd 1 greene 1 blue 1 black 1 graye, 10 doz. of thredd Laces, 4 doz of
long thredd Laces, ½ doz of woolen Stockens 4 pr large & 2 pr small, 1 LeggLine,
2 doz pound of Candles
John Jaquis
January the 19th
1 doz of wooden harfted Knifes, 2 doz of Sisers, 1 doz & ½ doz of black harfted
knifes, 1 pr of redd drawers, more Mistres Vaulx two pr of Shoes, two Cases of knifes at 30# tobo. a case 60 pounds I give to Thomas Hasey one of my Seamen.