Estate Division - John Smith decd.
The Division of John Smiths Estate deced Devided this 21th day of November 1670 According to the Will Between Elizabeth Smith and James Smith by [us] Thomas Pinkethman & John Daniell being Ordered by the [woppll Court] of York County and Sworne by the Captaine Francis Mathewes Justice of the peace for the Said County.
Thomas Pinkethman &
Jno. Daniell
The Cattle divided to Elizabeth Smith
The Cattles names & Age as followeth (vizt) One brown Cow aged eitht [sic] yeares & a Heifer three yeares old with a flower de Luce in the Richt Eare & Slitt in the left & One Steare betwizt foure & five yeares old & one yeareling heifer.
To Elizabeth Smith in Pewter (vizt) [faded-eleven pounds of Pewter, three Spoones, One Porringer and two pounds of old Pewter].
To Elizabeth Smith three trayes, five Trenchers, one Be[a]ster, One Tin funnel & one pepper box, One Iron pott & pott hookes, One Skillett, One Spitt & a Cutting knife, one Couche, A Chaire & a gunne, One Sow of three yeares old, One Sow shoate of a year old, One barrow shoate three quarters old & One Sow shoate of halfe a year old.
To James Smith in Cattle the Age & Names
Two Cowes Cherry about twelve yeares old, and Pye betwixt eight & nine, One red pied Steare betwixt foure & five yeares old, One Heifer three years and one Heifer two yeares old and two Steare yearelings.
To James Smith in Pewter two & twenty pound of Pewter, two porringers Six pewter Spoones
To James Smith ten Trayes & ten Trenchers, One tray, One old tin Candlestick, two potts & potthookes, A Kettle, and one old Skillett, A Pestle, A P of Tongs, A fry- ing pan, A hand Saw and a Hammer, One Table & a forme, A Saw & two wedges & One Chest, One Sow of three yeares old, One barrow of two yeares & a halfe old, two Sow shoats of a yeare old, two Barrow shoats, three quarters old two Sow shoates halfe a yeare old.