An Inventory of the estate of Geo. Hopkins Minister decd. taken the last day of October 1645
3 old sowes in the woods & not to be found
16 young shotes about a yeare old appeace
7 young shotes more about 4 mounths old.
one man servant haveing a year to serve [torn] at the expiration thereof one heifer of two ye[ars
old] [torn] sixe barrells of Corne & Cloathes.
one mayd servant twoe yeares to serve
one small frame table & twoe small Cheeres
one couch at
one Cradle at
one forme frame
one smaler table new at
one pestoll at
one beddstead at
one Iron pott about 3 galls & pott hookes
one white Quilt for a bed
one Greene Carpett
15 Holland Napkins & one table Cloath
one stuffe Cloake
Twoe old diap table Cloathes & twoe towells
twoe pr of old sheets
twoe pre of old pillowe beeres
one old Chamber pott and brasse Candle stick
one old diminy Caster at,
one old trunke at
one small skellett at
his Library of old booke in alite (?)
made of ye servants Cropp of tob
made of ye sd servants Cropp of Corne 3 barr[ells]
one smale Cleane pay booke
one smale sea bedd & Rugg
one smale brasse morter & pestle
one beaver, brosh & one other old brosh
on feather with the appurtenances belong[ing] (?)
one smale gould Ringe.