A true and just Inventory of what Cattle, money and Tobacco doth belong to Ellinor Gill the Daughter of William Gill according as itt was divided by Mr Thomas Harwood Mr Robert Everitt and Garrald Connor
Two Cowes called by the name of Mol & Rose about nine or tenn years old
Two Cowes called by the name of Betty & Nutmeg about four or five years old
Two Stears of three years old
Two Heifers about two years old
Two Stears about two years old
Two Cowes about four years old
Two Cow Calves
In money, Nineteen pounds, three Shillings and four Pence
In tobacco two thousand one hundred forty six
One Mare about fourteen years old
One Horse about four yeare old
Two thousand Seaven hundred and sixty pounds of Tobacco being for Hoggs according as they were valued.