Appraisment of Mary Cooleys Estate
1 Brown damask Gown 60/ 1 black Callimanco Gown 60/ | 6..-..- | |
1 Striped Holland Gown 70/ 1 dark ground Callico Do. 70/ | 7..-..- | |
1 Callico Do. £5 1 flower'd Do. £7 1 India brown Persian Do. £3..10/ | 15..10..- | |
1 Purple Do. £5 1 flower'd Crimson Sattin Do. £12 | 17..-..- | |
1 Cotton Wrapper 50/ 1 Striped holland Gown 70/ | 6..-..- | |
8 pair Stockings £4 4 Pocket Handkerchiefs £3 | 7..-..- | |
2 single Handkerchiefs 10/ 6 double Do. 60/ | 3..10..- | |
15 Caps 30/ 4 Aprons 60/,1 Sattin Cloak £10 | 14..10..- | |
1 Sattin Hat 15/ 1 Fan 10/ 1 Pink Persian Quilt £5 | 6..5..- | |
1 black Shalloon Petticoat 50/ 1 blue Callimanco Petticoat 40/ | 4..10..- | |
1 India Cotton Petticoat 30/ 1 pair Stays £5 | 6..10..- | |
1 old striped Stuff Quilt 16/ 1 blue Quilted Petticoat 30/ | 2..6..- | |
1 Canister of Pepper 4/ All spice and Nutmegs 5/ | 0..9..- | |
4 pr. Leather Shoes 40/ 1 pr. black Sattin Shoes 20/ | 3..-..- | |
Parce Stone blue 5/ Parcel Tape 6/ parcel Thread 3/ | 0..14..- | |
2 black Laces 2/6 Parcel of Ribbon £3 36 Needles & Case 6/ | 3..8..6 | |
Parcel Sewing Silk 24/ 5 paper Pins 30/ 1 pr. Silver buckles 40/ | 4..14..- | |
1 pr. Sugar tongs 20/ 1 doz. Spoons 70/ 4 Gold Rings 60/ | 7..10..- | |
1 black Gauze Handkerchief 5/ 2 lb Castile Soap 5/ | 0..10..- | |
1 Pewter quart Can 4/ 4 Pewter Dishes 25/ 2 large Pewter Basons 20/ | 2..9..- | |
1 pr. Mocoa buttons 30/ 2 Cork Screws 1/3 1 pr. paste buckles 40/ | 3..11..3 | |
18 Pewter Plates 60/ 10 Pewter Spoons & Soup Ladle 7/6 | 3..7..6 | |
7 Knives and 6 forks 20/ 1/2 lb Ginger and bag 2/ | 1..2..- | |
4 to Coffee and bag 24/ 1 pr. Sheets 80/ 2 pr. brown linnen Do. £6 | 11..4..- | |
1 pr. Scissars 1/3 9 Linnen Shifts 90/ 2 brown Linnen Table Cloths 20/ | 5..11..3 | |
1 Linnen Table Cloth 15/ 3 Diaper Do. 40/ 9 Chex Aprons 50/ | 5..5..- | |
5 Towels 20/ 3 pr. Pockets 15/ 6 Pillow Cases 30/ | 3..5..0 | |
1 Cotton Counterpane 40/ 1 Quilted Do. 30/ | 3..10..- | |
1 blue Cloth Cloak 70/ 10 plaited Stocks 20/ | 4..10..- | |
2..Remnants Persian 60/ Do. Linnen br 10/ | 3..10..- | |
1 pr. Bedblankets 70/ 3 small blankets 60/ | 6..10..- | |
1 Canister Green Tea 40/ 1 Do. Bohea 30/ 1 Do. Common Tea 10/ | 4..-..- | |
1 Canister Coffee 4/ 1 Do. brown Sugar 80/ | 4..4..- | |
a Parcel Crockery Ware 30/ 1 Pewter Tea Pot 4/ | 1..14..- | |
1 Box Iron & Heaters 10/ 1 funnel 2/ 1 pr. Bellows 10/ | 1..2..- | |
2 Tea Kettles 60/ 1 Gridiron 15/ Tongs Sauce Pan &c. 4/ | 3..19..- | |
1 Ax 6/ 1 Bed and Pillow £6 7 Rush bottom Chairs 15/ | 7..1..- | |
1 Desk £5 1 Chest 20/ 1 Table 15/ 2 Jugs 10/ | 7..5..- | |
1 Pine Table 5/ 4 Iron Pots 50/ 1 Dutch Oven 12/6 | 3..7..6 | |
a Parcel Wooden Ware 10/ 2 Quart Cans 2/6 1 Trivet 2/6 | 0..15..- | |
1 Hour Glass 3/ 1 scrubing brush 4/ 1 Broom 4/ | 0..11..- | |
2 Stone Water Jugs 6/ 1 Coffee Pot 10/ 3 . Chocolate 18/ | 1..14..- | |
1 looking Glass 10/ 1 Tin Sauce pan 1/ 1 Gun 50/ | 3..1..- | |
1 pair Dogs 20/ 1 frying Pan 10/ 1 Silver Watch £5 | 6..10..- | |
1 Pewter quart Can 4/ 4 Pewter Dishes 25/ 2 large Pewter Basons 20/ | 2..9..- | |
1 Negro Woman Bett £60.1 Negro Child Peter £15 | 75..-..- | |
Cash in the House | 91..7..- | |
£381..12..- |
In Obedience to the Order of the Worshipful Court of York County We the Subscribers have
appraised the Estate of Mary Cooley decd. and find the amount as above.
Wm. Goodson
Hum: Harwood
Benja. Bucktrout
Returned into York County Court the 16th day of February 1778 and Ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl Cur: