An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate Richard Vauden decd.
One Cotten Counterpane | £0.15.0 |
One Check oznabrigs Shirts 1 Strip'd Linnen Wascoat | 0.7.6 |
6 Pewter Plates 7/6 1 Pewter dish 3/ | 0.10.6 |
6 Pewter spoons 1/ 1 broad Ax 2/6 | 0.3.6 |
1 Tin Pepper box 1 Wine glass 1 Teapot 1 Can | 0.1.0 |
2 Iron Potts and Hooks-7/6 1 Earthen Pan 8a | 0.8.2 |
15 Quart Bottles 2/6 1 Water Piggin 8d. | 0.3.2 |
4 Rush bottom Chairs 5/ 3 Boxes 7/6 | 0.12.6 |
1 Small Looking Glass 1 frying Pan 2/6 1 Bed and Bolster £3 | 3.2.6 |
1 Bedstead Matt and Bed cord 6/ 1 Rug and 1 Oznabrigs Sheet 12/6 | 0.18.6 |
3 Blankets 20S 1 Cloth Coat 2 Waistcoats and breeches 20S | 2.0.0 |
1 Square Table 1/ 1 Small Pot rack and Sundries 2/6 1 Tea Kettle 5/ | 0.8.6 |
9.10.10 |
In obedience to York Court we find the above sum of nine Pounds ten Shillings and ten pence is
the Appraisement of Richard Vaudens Estate July 5th. 1762
Holdby Dixon
Hugh Walker
James Geddy
Ballance due to Richard Vauden from the Country as a Guard to the Magazine to be added to the above is eight Pounds five Shillings two Pence makes the whole | £8.5.2 |
£17.16 |
G. Pitt
[The order to record the inventory is mutilated.]
Recorded [19]th day of July 1762.