In obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing date at York December the 20th Anno 1669 Wee the Subscribed have according to the best of our Judgmts & Consciences devided the Estate of Mr. Richard Watkins deced. According to the Testators will.
Impris One Cow named Folly One Cow called Starr One Cow Besse One Cow Luck One
Red heifer three yeares old One Red & white heifer three yeares old One two yeare old
heifer Blossome One Red & white heifer two yeares old three Steares one of Six
& two of foure yeares old One yeareling heifer.
The Decedts Apparrell devided according to will by mutuall consent of all.
The Tooles devided according to will by mutuall Consent alsoe.
One Feather bed with dark Colour & Vallaines, two pillows one flock & the other
Feather one Red Rugg one white blanket marked TW.
One Flock bed & bolster, one Red blanket & one white.
Three large pewter dishes marked on the outside with W.
Three middling dishes marked as afore, One Small pewter dish the same marke.
Two Candlesticks, One Chamber pott, One Salt, Seaven Spoones, One porringer & old Drinking pott.
One large pewter bason, five sheetes, One Pillowbeere marked with W.
Two gunnes & a small one, one Small Spitt, A P of tongs, One large frying pann, one
[greate] Iron pott & pott hookes, One Small dripping pan, One small brasse Ladle,
Two middling pewter dishes marked with W [ut Supra], One P of large pottracks, One Iron pestle
broken, One Tin Stew pan, two tinn potts.
One greate Payle, two greate Chests with Locks & keyes, One greate Churne.
Five [barrels] two with Covers, & three old [ones], One Tubb, A bee hive, & a Churn without a bottome.
One old barrel with a Cover, One earthen dish, & one Tin pudding pan.
Two earthen Juggs, One breat tray, One Swifter, Six trayes, four good & two badd.
Bookes: Guilds exposition upon Samuell, Robothams preciousness of Christ, Robertt
[Endenn] The vanity of worldy pleasures, [Davids denotion], two small Psalmes
Bookes [Mattboys] Legacy & [two old Bibles] & St. Georges history.
One black [Caster] hatt, two table Cloths, twelve Napkins & one old Stript [C]arpett
[A] new pillion & one old Cloth, two old hatts, One Coverlitt, two hackney Saddles, One Snaffle[bridle]
One standing bedstead Carved with [dolphins] on the head or Such like, One Couch
This division made the 10th & 11th of Ja[nry] we psent to the Court of York for
Their [approb]acon & confirmation Mr. John Tiplady one of the Overseeres.
[present] | Geo. [mark] Johnson | Char[les] (2) Dunn |
[faded] |
Decedts Estate