In Obedience to an Order of the Worshipful Court of York County bearing Date the twentieth of August 1764. We the Subscribers, first being Sworn, did meet on the 25th. of the said Month and Appraised the Estate of Frances Cross decd. as followeth
20 Head of Cattle | £ 41..10..0 |
3 Calves @ 12/6 | 1..17..6 |
10 Hoggs | 5..2..6 |
1 Horse, Saddle and Bridle | 7..5..0 |
1 Mare | 4..0..0 |
8 Shoats | 1..12..0 |
30 Geese | 2..5..0 |
14 Dunghill Fowls | 0..8..9 |
13 Sheep | 6..10..0 |
3 Spinning Wheels | 0..18..0 |
9 pair of Cards and 1 Brass Kettle | 1..14..0 |
Some Kitchen Furniture and 1 Grindstone | 1..1..3 |
1 Cask of Venigar, 2 old do. & some Lime | 0..12..6 |
1 Barl. & Tar, & a parcel of old Casks & some Tubs | 0..15..0 |
6 Milk Pans, some old Lumber, & 7 Hives of Bees | 1..18..0 |
Some old Lumber, 2 Chamber Pots, & a parcel of old Iron | 1..4..0 |
5 Hoes and a parcel of old Iron, 2 Tubs, & 12 Bushs. of Wheat | 4..1..0 |
1 Chest of Draws and looking Glass, & some Earthen Ware | 2..0..0 |
A parcel of Glass [torn] lb. of Wool | 1..15..9 |
1 large [torn] Rush Bottom do. | 2..3..0 |
3 Table [torn] Bottles | 1..12..6 |
[The entries at the bottom of page 210 are mutilated.] | |
Brought Over | 100..3..3 |
2 Wheat Seives, 2 Boxes, Trunk, Rundlet, Peck[?] & Cabinet | 0..13..1 |
9 lb. Cotton, 16 Sides Leather, and 8 lb. Feathers | 5. .7..3 |
A parcel of Hops, a Chest & Pot of Cherries, & old Lumber | 0..12..6 |
18 lbs. Sugar, 1 Safe, and 2 Candlesticks | 1..6..3 |
A parcel of old Chests and 57 lbs Bacon | 3..2..9 |
4 Beds and Furniture | 35..0..0 |
A Pot of Butter, a Chest, Flour Tub, and a Pot | 0..18..0 |
60 lbs. of Soap, 26½ lbs. of Candles | 3..10..7½ |
3½ lbs. of Tallow, 1 Chest, and a parcel of Pewter | 1..15..1½ |
1 Case of Knives & Forks, 11 lbs of Spun Cotton, 5½ lbs. do. | 2..16..4½ |
5½ yds Linen @ 4/4d. 2½ do. @ 3/6 | 1..12..7 |
40 Ells Ozenbrigs @¼d & 5½ yds Bedticking | 3..10..7 |
15 Yds of Virginia Cloth @3/6, 5 Bags & 6 Pillow Cases | 3..13..0 |
10 Towels, 2 Chimney Cloths, & Wallet, & 6 Table Cloths | 2..3..9 |
Thread, Buckles, 2 Pr. of Scissars, & 1 Pr. of Shears | 0..9..6 |
3 Pr. of Shoes, 1 Sow, and 1 Walking Stick | 1..0..0 |
1 Bell-Mettle Skillet, and Spice Mortar | 0..18..0 |
Her Wearing Cloaths | 22..5..9 |
A Negro Man Named Will | 100..0..0 |
Do. Named Jack £60, and Do. Sawney £ 70 | 130..0..0 |
A Negroe Woman named Dinah £70, & do. named Nell £ 40 | 110..0..0 |
A Negroe a Woman named Bess, & a Child named Sawney | 70. .0..0 |
A Negroe Boy named Will 30[torn] named Hago £20 | 50..0..0 |
A Negroe Woman called [ £15, ] £55 | 70..0..0 |
Cash | 119..10..5½ |
A Bond | 25..0..0 |
Sundry [torn] | 38..8..2 |
£803..13..8 |
[The signatures and oath of the appraisors and the order to record the inventory are mutilated.]
[Recorded 17 Sept]ember 1764