In obedience to an order of York County Court dated the 18th. day of February 1765. We the Subscribers being first sworn before Thomas Chisman Gent. a Justice of the said County have Appraised the Estate of Edmund Stuckey decd. and made a true and perfect Inventory of the same as follows.
1 Mare £3. 1 Horse 20/. 1 Do. 20/ | £6.0.0 | |
1 Yoke of Steers £6. 2 Cows £3. 2 do. £3.10/ | 12.10.0 | |
3 Heifers £3. 2 do. 30/. 2 Steers 40/ | 6.10.0 | |
2 Yearlings 20/. 12 Sheep £5.12/ | 6.12.0 | |
24 Shoats £4.16. 3 Sows and Piggs £1.16 | 6.12.0 | |
1 Cart & Wheels | 2.15.0 | |
Hogsheads of Cyder £2. 2 Butts of Cyder £2.15/ | 4.15.0 | |
8 Cyder Casks 32/. 6 Do. 7/6. 2 Anchors 2/6 | 2.2.0 | |
7 Cyder Casks [...Stacks] of Fodder 30/ | 2.18.0 | |
[the entries at the bottom of page 230 are mutilated] | ||
1 Frying Pan 3/. 1 Gun 30/. 1 Do. 20/ | 2.13.0 | |
A Weaver's Loom &c 22/. 2 Saddles £3 | 4.2.0 | |
1 pair of Stillards 12/. 1 Spinning Wheel 5/ | 0.17.0 | |
2 Spits 6/6. 4 pair of Cards 1/3 | 0.7.9 | |
1 Skimmer and Candlestick 1/3. 1 pair Boots 5/ | 0.6.3 | |
a parcel of Beans 2/6, a parcel of Pease 3/, 2 Jars 2/ | 0.7.6 | |
2 Tubs and Potatoes | 0.3.0 | |
1 Bed and Furniture £2.10. 1 Do. £3. 1 Do. £5 | 10.10.0 | |
1 Chest 10/. 1 Do. 8/. 1 Table 3/. 7 Chairs 7/ | 1.8.0 | |
1 Handsaw 3/. 1 Box Iron & Lumber 4/. 2 Butter Pots 2/6 | 0.9.6 | |
1 Spice Mortar 5/. 1 Pr. Money Scales 2/6 | 0.7.6 | |
8 Pounds of Cotton @ 3d. P Pound 10/. 1 Pot Lard 25/7½ | 1.15.7½ | |
410 lb. Bacon @ 3d. P Pound | 5.2.6 | |
1 Dish and 6 Plates 10/. Do. 7/ | 0.17.0 | |
3 Basons 6/. a parcel of old Pewter 5/ | 0.11.0 | |
15 Bottles 3/. A parcel of Wooden Ware 5/ | 0.8.0 | |
A parcel of Soap fat 2/. 1 Pestle and Fire Tongs 6/ | 0.8.0 | |
1 Negro Jack | 50.0.0 | |
1 Negro Jemmy | 40.0.0 | |
1 Negro Judy | 15.0.0 | |
1 Negro Bess | 35.0.0 | |
1 Negro Kate | 35.0.0 | |
1 Negro Esther | 35.0.0 | |
1 Negro Boy Chelsey | 25.0.0 | |
1 Chest and Table 6/ [torn] | 0.11.6 | |
a parcel of Feathers | 0.3.6 | |
22 lb. of Fat [torn] | 0.11.0 | |
£332.11.1½ |
[The oath of the appraisors and the order to record the inventory are mutilated]
(appraisers' names torn away)
[Recorded 18 Marc]h 1765.