At a court held for York county the 19th. Day of January 1767. Ordered that John Patrick William Kerby Daniel Dixon and Charles Mennis or any three of them being first sworn before a justice of this county do appraise in current money the slaves if any and personal estate of James Holloway junior deceased and return the appraisement to the court
Thos. Everard
York County [torn] Jany. 28 1767
[John] Patrick William Kerby Danial [Dixon have been?] this day sworn before me
Robt. Shields
Inventory [and appraisement of the] Estate of James Holloway junior [torn]
1 Cotton be[d...] beds[tead] | £4..10..0 |
1 truttle bed | 1..0..0 |
1 large chest 2/6, 1 pr. pistols & 1 holster cap 20/ | 1..2..6 |
5 weaver's slays 15/ 1 Armiger Webbs 6/ | 1..1..0 |
1 cotton be bedsted and rugg | 3..0..0 |
5 flax chairs 7/6 1 large chest 5/ | 0..12..6 |
2 case bottles 3/ 2 guns 40/ 3 tables 4/6 | 2..7..6 |
2 pair cart wheels 45/ 4 augers and other tools 1/ | 3..5..0 |
2 axes 4/ 1 grindstone 2/6 1 loom 10/ | 0..16..6 |
1 old fluke hoe and other old iron | 0..2..0 |
1 pair chair traces and swingle tree | 0..5..0 |
1 cart saddle collar and hames | 0..5..0 |
2 ox yokes and a chain 12/6 1 old iron pot 5/ | 0..17..6 |
1 cut saw 5/ 1 ox cart 40/ | 2..5..0 |
2 sides and a skin of leather12/ 2 sides sole leather 10/ | 1..2..0 |
1 butt 2/3d full of cyder 1 hhd. Do. | 1..10..0 |
9 empty casks 22/6 1 scythe & furniture 5/ | 1..7..6 |
A cask of hand packed tobo. | 2..5..0 |
A parcel of blades | 0..9..0 |
1 yoke of oxen 70/. 2 cows 60/ | 6..10..0 |
10 young cattle | 7..10..0 |
2 young bulls at stuckey's | 2..0..0 |
9 sheep 50/ 3 mares 18 [torn] | 7..10..0 |
9 hogs 72/ a stack of tops 5/ | 3..17..0 |
1 man's addle 7/6 2 cow hides [torn] 10/ | 0..17..6 |
7 pewter plates [torn] 2/6 | 0..12..6 |
1 flat pot 3/ [torn] | 2..0..6 |
1 old Negro woman | 15 ..0..0 |
£74..0..6 |
In obedience to [an order of York County Court bearing] date Jany. 28th. [we the subscribers being first
sworn met and appraised in] current money the estate of James Holloway junior decd. as above
William Kerby
Daniel Dixon
John Patrick
Returned into York County court the 16th. Day of Feby. 1767. and ordered to be recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.