An Appraisment of the Estate of Mrs. Susannah Reynolds Deceased
33¼ Bushels Indian Corn @ 9/ brl | £2.19.10 |
247 lb. Bacon @ 7½d. | 7.14.4½ |
3 lb. Hyson on Tea @ 25/ | 3.15.0 |
35 Gals Vinegar @ 6d. | 0.17.6 |
19½ lb. Lard @ 6d. | 0.9.9 |
3½ Bushels Wheat @ 4/ | 0.14.0 |
27 lb Butter @ 7½d. | 0.16.10½ |
40 Ells Oznabgs.@ 1/3 | 2.10.0 |
14¼ Yrds figd. Russ. Towelling @ 9d. | 0.10.8¼ |
3½ Yds Sheeting Linen @ 2/6 | 0.8.9 |
16 Yds Fearnought @ 3/6 | 2.16.0 |
20½ Ells Rolls @ 10d . | 0.17.1 |
1½ yds white Plains @ 2/ | 0.3.0 |
9 Dutch Blankets @ 10/ | 4.10.0 |
27 lb. Soap @ 6d. | 0.13.6 |
5 lb. Candles @ 1/ | 0.5.0 |
128 lb. Pickled Pork @ 4d. | 2.2.8 |
9½ lb. Coffee [@ 1½] | 0.14.3 |
1 Milch Cow [torn] | 3.15.0 |
8½ Gals. Molasses @ 2/ | 0.17.0 |
2 Bottles Snuff @ 3/ | 0.6.0 |
2 old Sack Bags @ [no value listed] | 0.3.9 |
£ 38. 0.04 |
Pursuant to [an order of York County Court] bearing date the 18th. day of April 1768. [We the Subscribers being first] Sworn have met and Appraised [the estate] of Mrs. Susannah Reynolds deceased agreeable to the above Schedule
April 19th. 1768
Thomas Archer
William Cary
Edward Cary
Returned into York County Court the 15th Day of August 1768
and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.