York County, Sct.[?] We the Subscribers being first Sworn before a Justice of the Peace for the said County do Appraise in Current Money the Personal Estate of John Jeggitts deceased as follows this Fourth day of March 1769.
1 Desk | £ 4.0.0 |
Square Walnut Table | 1.15.0 |
Oval Ditto | 1.10.0 |
½ Dozn. Walnut Chairs | 4.10.0 |
Tea Table | 1.0.0 |
1 Candlestand | 0.12.6 |
1 Pr. Hand Irons | 0.7.6 |
½ Dozn. Rush Bottom'd Chairs | 0.15.0 |
Corner Cupboard | 1.0.0 |
1 Pine Table | 0.7.6 |
1 Looking Glass | 0.7.6 |
1 Tea Chest 10/. 1 Chest 10/ | 1.0.0 |
1 Pr. Hand Irons | 0.10.0 |
1 Pr. Tongs 2/6. 1 Cruit Stand 10/ | 0.12.6 |
1 Bed Bedstead & 2 pair Blankets | 3.0.0 |
1 Ditto with Ditto | 3.0.0 |
½ Dozn. Rush Bottom'd Chairs | 0.7.6 |
Bed Bedstead Sheet and Blanket | 2.0.0 |
3 Beds without Furniture @ 25/. each | 3.15.0 |
1 Dozen Plates & 2 Dishes (Earthen) | 0.10.0 |
1 Dozen Pewter Plates | 0.10.0 |
7 Pewter Dishes | 1.10.0 |
Coffee Pott 7/6. 1 Tea Kettle 7/6 | 0.15.0 |
2 Pr. Salts 2/. 3 Pr. [torn] | 0.7.0 |
Quart Pott, Jill ditto [torn] | 0.2.6 |
2 Trays & Pan 2/6. [torn] | 0.5.0 |
1 Lanthorn 2/6. [torn] | 0.10.0 |
3½ Dozn. Bottles 8/9. 1 Bag Hops 1/3 | 0.10.0 |
1 Pr. Spoon Moulds 7/6. 1 Pott 10/ | 0.17.6 |
1 Trivet & Grid Iron 5/. Spinning Wheel. 5/ | 0.10.0 |
1 Spitt 5/. 1 Dish & 2 Plates 2/6 | 0.7.6 |
1 Bed-stead 2/6. 1 Barrell with Iron Hoops 2/6 | 0.5.0 |
1 Tubb, Pale, & Frying Pan | 0.2.0 |
1 Tool Chest 5/. 12 Bench Planes 7/6 | 0.12.6 |
1 Jointer & 2 Smooth Planes | 0.3.9 |
1 Pr Cornish Planes & 1 Spring ditto | 0.10.0 |
1 Pr Raising ditto | 0.2.6 |
2 Ploughs 3/9. Hand Rail Plains &c 6/ | 0.9.9 |
6 Pr. Hollows and Rounds | 0.11.0 |
16 Moulden Plains | 1.12.0 |
Sundry Rabit Plains & Phillisters | 0.5.0 |
3 Squares & Rules 2/6. 4 Augers 5/ | 0.7.6 |
5 Iron Dogs 5/. 2 Oil Stones 2/6 | 0.7.6 |
2 Adz and Drawing Knife | 0.3.9 |
Sundry Chiswells & Draw Boors &c | 0.10.0 |
Sundry Gages & Templets | 0.2.0 |
2 Plough irons 1/. 1 Glue Pott 5/ | 0.6.0 |
2 Malletts, Brace & Bitt | 0.2.0 |
1 Cramp 30/. 2 Tennett Saws 10/ | 2.0.0 |
3 Ditto 7/6. 3 Hand Saws 10/ | 0.17.6 |
1 Sash Saw 3/9. 4 Iron Wedges 5/ | 0.8.9 |
Hommony Pestle 3/9. Chalk Line 6d. | 0.4.3 |
1 Pr. Haimes 5/. Whip Saw 20/ | 1.5.0 |
Back Band & Belly &c | 0.1.3 |
Parcel of old Iron 3/9. 1 Hone 2/ | 0.5.9 |
1 Plan Book and Dictionary | 1.0.0 |
Wheel Barrow and Grindstone | 0.10.0 |
6 Tea Spoons 17/6. Wooden Cann 1/3 | 0.18.9 |
1 Hogshead [torn} | 1.0.0 |
1 Horse [torn] | 2.3.9 |
[Two entries at the bottom of page 455 are mutilated.] | |
Cellar frame for Window | 0.6.3 |
A Platt, Tackling & Sails | 12.0.0 |
Cellar frame and Doors | 0.15.0 |
1 Cow | 3. 0.0 |
Case of Drawing Instruments &c . | 0.10.0 |
1 Mare Colt | 2.0.0 |
£ 74.3.3 |
James Taylor
John Lamb
Walter Lenox
Returned into York County Court the 19th. day of June 1769 and ordered to be Recorded
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.