The estate of Thomas Smallcombe is debtr. to disbursments as followeth
March the 10th 1645
| lbs tob |
To Thomas Gibson for twoe sheirts | 0100 |
To Twoe pre of shooes | 0080 |
To Rondell Revell for twoe barrells of corne | 0300 |
To twoe gall. & a halfe of satke bought of Tho.[Thomas]
Broughton | 0100 |
To one botle of drames bought of Tho. Broughton | 0025 |
To Cheese bought of Robert Lewis | 0100 |
To beere sent him in the tyme of his sicknes | 0036 |
To diett at the ordinary at James Citty | 0035 |
To one blue scarffe | 0050 |
to diet five mounthes at Gibsons | 0300 |
To tob pd John Broch as per accot & receipt | 0530 |
To his funerall charges one steere about 4 years old | 0700 |
To one barrell of strong beere | 0260 |
To a coffin | 0150 |
To twoe pound of powder spent at his funerall | 0024 |
To the minister clarke & sexton for his buriall
| 0040 |
To Thomas Wilkinson as per receipt | 0270 |
To Thomas Taylor as per bill & receipt | 0330 |
To Mr Gill as per bill and receipt | 0310 |
To Robert Taylor as per bill & receipt | 0475 |
To Thomas Broughton as per accot and recie pt | 0476 |
To Tho. Broughton for caske with the tobacco | 0030 |
To William Coxe as per bill and receipt | 0090 |
To Mr John Corker | 0161 |
To John Vaughan per bill & receipt | 0150 |
To Church warden for parish dutyes | 0014 |
To tob in roule lent him to [ ke] | 0020 |
To John Underwood as per receipt | 0030 |
To Mr Robert Vaus for Mr Tho.[Thomas] Vaus per bill &
accot as per receipt | 1022 |
To Charges in proving will probate & recording
will & severa 1 petitions | 0300 |
To [torn] Deacon as per receipt | 0233 |
| 6701 |
The wch was this day proved by the oath of Thomas Gibson and allowed of by the Court
Teste me Ro. Bouth Cl Cur