25 July 1646
To Thomas Larrimore sherr per receipt | 0095 | |
To Capt Clayborne for Baulk Land [vins] or [viii] | 0096 | |
To Robert Young by Capt Chismans order | 0140 | |
To Richard Hull by 2 orders & recepts | 0975 | l m |
To Henry Poole Clrc of Eliz. County | 0192 | |
To Roger Daniell per receipt & order | 1300 | 4c |
To Mr Thomas Taylor per order & receipt | 0998 | 3c |
To Richard Floyd per receipt & order | 0819 | |
To Augustin Warrnor per receipt and order being for five pound of beaver & 100 lbs tob | 0600 | |
To Henry Batt sherr by acco & distresses | 0912 | |
To Niccholas Browne per receipt & order | 0600 | |
To Henry Freeman per receipt & order | 1191 | |
To Mr Richard Lee per fees | 0355 | |
To Capt Oldis in parte of his order & per receipt | 1400 | 2c |
To Thomas Kerby per Arbitracon | 0050 | |
To Goodman Christmas per order | 0080 | |
To John Hunt the remander of Baulkes bill | 0100 | |
To Thomas Beale sherr by distresse | 0507 | |
To funerall charges sermon with his buriall & grave digging | 1000 | |
To Wm Baulkes attendance and charges of provision lodging & washing in his sicknes | 0900 | |
To my owne expences and troubles at James Towne Yorke & Kiccotan | 0700 | |
To my Attorney for his paines & servis almost this three yeares at James Towne Kigatan & Yorke | 1500 | |
To Copyes of seaven orders | 0056 | |
To Caske [&] ten hoghds | 0250 | |
10666 |
lbs tob | |
Per Inventory in tob. | 5537 |
Per Christopher Darcey & John Balhoms bill | 1050 |
Per one yeareling heifer & one one yeare bull | 0300 |
By John Newmans bill 800 lbs porke | |
By Wm Ellen bill 20 heennes | |
Per Capt Peirce his bill 13£ Ster | |
Per Antho Linney bill 11£ 10s Ster | |
Per Ambrose [Dudley] bill three barr of Corne | |
Per an old T[illeg] | 0030 |
Per bill of Thomas Halliards | 1300 |
9100 |
Wee the subscribers desired by the Cort to peruse this accot of the estate of WM Bauke doe finde orders and sufficient discharges for tenn thousand sixe hundred sixty sixe pownds of tobacco pd by the adminstrator & accot of of Charges 4256 lbs tob wch wee leave to the peruseall of the Court soe the whole is 14822 lbs.
The full accot of the estate in tob: 9100
in money 24£ 10s 00d
in corne three barrells
20 hennes
Tho: Wombwell
Tho: Broughton