An Inventory of the Estate of Robert Leightenhouse decd taken And vallued by us the Subscribers this seventh day of June 1701 —
£ s d | |
one bed furniture with one blankett in the best chamber | 7 00 00 |
Two Chests | 0 12 00 |
One Doz. of New Plates | 0 15 00 |
two Doz. and nine Ditto ould | 1 01 00 |
thirty two pounds old pewter att 9d P | 1 04 00 |
twenty five pounds of new pewter att 12d P # | 1 05 00 |
four basons pewter | 0 09 00 |
four ould porringers and one salt | 0 02 06 |
one pewter Skimer and one pewter ladell | 0 02 00 |
five spoons & two Chamber potts pewter | 0 04 00 |
one five pint pott one pottle pottle [sic] pott one tankard one quart pott | 0 12 06 |
one new tankard pewter | 0 03 00 |
Six ould pewter tankards | 0 10 00 |
two pottle potts two halfe pint potts a Gill ½ Gill | 0 05 00 |
one pcell of tinn ware very ould | 0 08 00 |
one small still | 0 15 00 |
one pr of sheets & six cases for pillows & one sheet | 2 00 00 |
Six napkins one table Cloth & three towells | 0 12 00 |
Six ould napkins two table Cloths ould three Coarse towells | 0 03 00 |
one ould trunk | 0 02 06 |
One table one looking flass two boxes one Spining Wheel | 1 00 00 |
one ould bed two ould Ruggs one bolster & one pillow & one bedstead ould | 0 10 00 |
one trundle bedstead | 0 07 00 |
Six ould tubbs one sifting tray & one parcl of fethers | 0 05 00 |
20 08 06 | |
One small table with a drawer two fut Rules one Scale two ould penknives one pr tobacco tongs one small fish line & hooks, two Rasors and a hone | 0 10 06 |
one pair of Small Scales & weights one prospect Glass and inkhorne | 0 05 00 |
one Small Silver tumbler not weighed | 1 00 00 |
one ould Coutch, one small old bed | 0 05 00 |
three ould wooden chares one case ditto | 0 05 00 |
one ould Muskitt one pr ould wooden Racks | 0 02 06 |
one brass morter & pestill one old brass Candlestick one ould brass Skimer one ould ladle & Egslice brass | 0 07 00 |
one large brass Skillitt one ditto Small one old brass sause pan one ould bell mettle posnit | 0 10 00 |
one large brass kettle one Small ditto | 1 19 04 |
5 04 04 | |
20 08 06 | |
25 12 10 | |
four old Iron potts & hooks | 0 14 08 |
one Iron Chafin[torn] dish two frying pans two Iron spitts one grid Iron one [torn] dripping pan one old Iron ladle one flesh fork | 0 18 06 |
one pair Andirons one potrack one pr bellos two pair of ould fire tongs one ould Iron Candlestick one horse lock one Iron Cravatt | 0 10 0 |
one small box of druggs | 0 08 00 |
one large ould Chest | 0 07 00 |
one small new trunk | 0 07 00 |
one new warming pan | 0 09 00 |
one violin & case | 0 12 00 |
three empty Spirit cases with bottles | 0 03 00 |
one feather bed & bedstead one Rugg two Blankitts one pair of sheets with Curtains & vallans one boulster & pillow all ould | 4 00 00 |
one small old flock bed, two [Rying Seives?] one ould meal Sifter one ditto hominy Sifter one ould Strainer | 0 04 00 |
one small Silver pockett pistoll, Six turkey work Chares old | 0 10 00 |
one pr Andirons and Small fire Shovell one pr fire tongs table leaf | 0 09 00 |
one pcell of ould bookes | 0 10 00 |
two small dram glasses one pcell Earthen ware four shoe brushes | 0 06 00 |
one horse bridle & sadle ould | 2 00 00 |
one & twenty Casks empty | 2 08 00 |
three gross empty bottles | 1 10 00 |
one pcell of ould lumber | 0 02 00 |
to one man Servant haveing two years a half to serve | 9 01 03 |
One hundred gallons of Rum att 4s P Gall | 20 00 00 |
two hundred twenty four pound of Sugar att 45d P C wt. | 5 00 00 |
to Cash in the House | 17 17 06½ |
moore [ ] in Cash | 1 03 00 |
46 15 11½ | |
72 08 09½ |
Elizabeth Lightenhouse
York County July the 24th 1701
The above Inventory was then Sworn to in Court by Elizabeth Leightenhouse widow & Admntrix of the first above named Robt Leightenhouse and is Recorded
Willm Sedgwick Cl Cur
Wee the Subscribers in obedience to an order of York Court bearing date May the 24th 1701 mett att the house of Robert Leightenhouse dec'd this 7th day of June in the year aforesaid & then & there in the best of our Judgmts appraised the said dects Estate according to the tenor of the afore verited order: whereunto wee have [here] Sett our hands the day and year above mentioned
John Rogers
John Wyth
Thomas Collyer