York County November the 2d 1703
An Inventory & appraisement of the Estate of Thomas Pate late of this County Deced taken by the Subscribers the Date abovesaid being first Sworne before Major William Buck one of her Majestys Justices of the Said County
1 horse Boate & 1 foot Boate Old & leaky | 1 10 00 |
1 Grapling, Oars & Sails | 0 06 00 |
19 Hoggs Young & Old | 8 00 00 |
Old Casque | 1 05 00 |
½ Casque of Tarr | 0 07 00 |
2 Grindstones | 0 06 00 |
2 Steers & a Heifer Young | 1 00 00 |
2 Cows & two Calves | 4 00 00 |
1 Bull | 1 10 00 |
1 Table 2 Pair of HandScrews | 1 07 00 |
2 Guns | 1 10 00 |
31 Earthen Potts | 1 11 00 |
2 Fish Giggs | 0 03 00 |
3 Cases of Empty Bottles | 0 07 06 |
1 old flock & feather Bed & furniture wth the Bedstead | 3 00 00 |
1 Little Old Bed 2 Pillows flocks & feathers & 1 old Coverlett | 0 12 00 |
the Negroes Beding Old | 0 10 00 |
1 Keane & Sword & belt | 0 12 00 |
2 Jarrs | 0 10 00 |
3 Earthen Pans | 0 01 06 |
1 large Iron Pott 1, bell mettle Pott 1 Small Iron Pott & 2 pr. of Pothoocks | 1 05 00 |
1 Iron Pott Pottracks & Hoocks | 0 10 00 |
1 horse | 2 10 00 |
1 Mare & Saddle | 3 00 00 |
1 Saile [?] | 00 15 00 |
Cordige | 00 05 00 |
Powder & Shott | 00 06 00 |
1 pair of Small Stilliard | 00 06 00 |
Small Earthen Ware | 00 07 00 |
2 Dishes 2 basons a Poringer 1 Quart pott Pewter | 00 15 00 |
2 Doz of Pewter Spoons | 00 04 00 |
Pewtr Plaits & Dishes qt 15# at 10d P # | 00 12 06 |
2 basons 1 Chambr Pott 1 Dram bottle one Tankerd 3 Salts 1 Porringer Pewter | 00 09 00 |
1 Smoothing Box & Irons | 00 04 00 |
Old Pewter qt 32# at 8d P # | 01 01 04 |
Wollen Wareing Apparrell | 01 07 06 |
1 Small Basket of Lumber | 00 01 03 |
1 Copr pott | 00 01 00 |
1 Looking Glass & a Prospective Glass | 00 02 06 |
1 Chest & Bottles 1 basket & a Ball of twine | 00 11 06 |
Carried Over | 45 1 7 |
Brought over | 45 01 07 |
1 Negro Named Tony | 35 00 00 |
3 Guinia Baggs | 00 01 00 |
1 frying pan 1 Sifting Tray Fishing Tackling 1 old Casque 2 Sifters 5 Chists Boxes all old a parcell of Lumber | 00 15 00 |
1 old Table 3 old Flagg Chairs & 2 new ones 1 pr of Tongs 1 Grid Iron 1 pr of potracks 1 Spitt | 00 14 00 |
1 Brass Ketle | 00 08 00 |
1 Brass Pan 1 Sawcepan 1 Stew pan & Cover | 00 08 00 |
1 Bellmettle Morter & Pestle | 00 05 00 |
1 Iron ladle | 00 01 00 |
2 old Casques 2 old Buckets 5 old pails 1 old [anahor?] Casque 1: 4 Gall. Runlet 1: 2 Gall Ditto 15 Woden Boles &c Platters 1 old Slipr [?] Rack 1 Lanthorne | 01 00 00 |
2 old Chests wth Bottles & other Lumbr | 00 12 00 |
In the Negroes Roome Bottles & [illeg] | 00 08 00 |
Carpentrs & Cooprs Tools | 01 15 00 |
Lumber & Wedges in the loft | 00 10 00 |
Window Glass & Led | 00 06 00 |
1 Cross Cut Saw | 00 04 00 |
1 Bedstead & a parcell of old Iron hoops 1 Funell 1 old Bucket & an old Shovell 2 old Hampers & 2 old Tubbs and an old Box & Some Old Junck | 00 10 00 |
1 Iron Pestle 1 Pitch forck 1 Shovill | 00 05 00 |
1 Pair of Silvr Buckles & 2 Dram Cups Silvr | 00 07 00 |
3 pr of mens Wosted Hose 1 pr of mens Gloves 1 hone 1 Raizor 1 pr of Mens Worne Falls 1 Case 2 Combs 1 pr of Yarne Gloves 2 Neckloths 1 Table Cloth 2 Pillobears 2 Napkins 3 Towels | |
1 Old pr of Yarne Hose a parcell of Haire & Thred Coate Buttons | 01 00 00 |
1 Mans Coate & 2 Yds of Holl. Duck | 00 07 06 |
89 16 01 |
In Obedience to an Order of York County Court bearing Date October the 25th 1703 we the Subscribers have met & appraised the above Inventory as Wittness our hands the Date abovesaid
Row. Pierson Exr.
John Hilliard
Bazill Wagstaff W his mark
Wm. Allin
November the 5th then presented in Court by Rowland Pierson on his Oath & according to Order is Comitted to Record.