An Inventory & Appraisment of the Estate of Abraham Smith Decd. Taken sepbr. 18th 1719.
To one horse bridle & sadle | 1.10.- |
To a Persell old Cloths | 1.10.- |
To a suit womens Cloths | 0.15.- |
16 lb. old puter | 0.10.- |
To a persell old Lumber | 0.7.6 |
To 1 hammer | 0.1.0 |
4.13.6 |
John Roberts
John Gibbson
John Young
Richd. Baker
At a Coart held for York County sepbr. 21st. 1719 This Inventory &c. of the estate of Abram: Smith was presented in Court & Admitted to Record
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.