Accompt of the Estate of Mathew Lutwidge deceased as appraised the 29th. of December 1727 by William Gordon, John Trotter & James Mackindo who were first Sworn before William Stark (Vizt.)
1 pr. of Stilliards £1. ten doz. of Strong beer £4. Four doz. Doctr. Bostocks Elixir £3 | |
One ½ hundred Iron weight 3/. One Silver Spoone weighing 20 dwt 6/3 | |
One 14 lb. lead weight one weight qty. 33 lb. wch. belongs to a Jack & a broken pully 7/10 | |
One Duffill Coat 18/ One Suit of Cloth Cloaths £2. One Course Sheet 4/. one table Cloth 7/6 | |
One fustian frock 1 Seer Sucker Vest & britches £1. A Negro girl called Dinah £18 | |
A Cow 20/ A tin Candlestick box & 2 funnells 3/ A Iron potrack 2/6 | |
A Cloaths brush 1/ A Frying pan 3/6. A pr. of Iron dogs 10/ | |
A Mortar & pestle 4 brass Candlesticks & one brass pepper box 8/ | |
A hand Mill $1. One Jack & one Spit $1.13. Two Iron pots qty. 49 lb. at 2½d. 10/2 ½ | |
A brass pot qty. 13 lb. 13/ A pr. bellows 2/6. A backgammon table 12/6. | |
Two old tables 6/ One feather bed & bolster $3.13. A feather bed pillow & pillow Case 30/. | |
19 pewter plates 6 Dishes one pye plate one pottle measure & 1 pt. measure £1.14.4½ | |
One bedsted & bed Cord 5/ One old Chest 7½d. One punchbowl 1/6 | |
Red China bed Curtains £1. 1 pt. of a pr. of bed Curtains with Vallains 7/6 | |
Two blanketts & a Rugg, 15/ Bedsted bed bolster & 2 pillows £1.10. A Rug 5/ | |
A Callico Quilt & one blew baff quilt £1. three Tables £1.12.6 | |
A bird Cage 5/ pt. of a pr. of Stuff Curtains & 3 Curtains 10/ two trunks 12/ | |
3 Armed 6 Cain & 7 flagg Chairs £1.18.9 five bushlls. of Salt & 4 Casks 15/ | |
A Pcell. of books a qt. Decanter & a Sifter 7/6 | |
2 Washing tubs 2 powdering tubs a loggerhead & a flesh fork 20/6 | |
One old boat 10/ | |
£ 58.6.-½ |
James Thompson
P Dudley Digges
P Wm. Gordon
James Mackindo
John Trotter
At a Court held for York County Janry. 15th. 1727/8 This Inventory & Appraisement of Mathew Lutwidge deced. was presented in Court and admitted to record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.