An Inventory of the Appraismt. of the Estate of John Goma[r] decd.
To 1 Sow & 4 Small piggs 10/ 1 Cow & 2 heifers 50/ | £3.0.0 |
To 12 Rush Chairs 15/ 1 Sword & belt 5/ A box Iron & heaters 16 plates | 1.17.0 |
To 34 pd. pewter @ 12d. pr. pd | 1.14.0 |
To a bellmetle Morter & pestle 10/ & 15 pd. old peweter @ 17½d. pr. pd | 0.19.4½ |
To a Cubbord & 1 old powdering Tubb 8s. & 1 brass Kettle | 2.1.0 |
To 2 Cow hides 1 Iron Spit 1 Earthen pott | 0.9.6 |
To 2 Earthen potss a Bear Casque & bred tray | 0.4.6 |
To 14 lb. Iron @ 4d. pr. pd 5/8 13 Old Sives 1/ | 0.5.8 |
To a frying pan @ 2/6 A Chafing dish 1/ & 1 Iron pot 2/ | -.5.6 |
To a brush Candlestick Candlebox 2/6 2 Chests a box 10/6 1 old [horn?] | 1.8.0 |
To 6 Small Shoats @ 2/ pr. 1 old Saddle 5/ | 0.17.- |
To a Laping Ax Spade Chest & a table 8/3. 3 Wedges 19 lb. @ 3d. 4/9 | 0.13.- |
To 4 old Napkins 1 old Table Cloth 2/ 2 old payls 2 old Tubbs 1 old platter | 0.4.[5?] |
1 feather bed bolstar pillows bedstead Hide & Cord | 3.16.[5?] |
To a [bed] & bolster [torn] 1 Do. [torn] | 4.13.0 |
To a [bed] bedstead & Cord [torn ] pott hooks 7/10½ | 0.12.10 |
To [torn] Cord | 2.10.- |
To a pott [Rack?] [torn] Sheets 1 blankit & Rug £1.5. 2.15.0 0 [torn] | 2.14.- |
£ 30.19.[torn] |
In Obedience [to an Order of York Court bearing date] [torn] of John Gomar decd. as was brought before us by Ann Gomar Exrx. of the said John Gomar decd. as Witness our hands this 17th day of March 1728/9.
John Trotter
Wilm. Gordon
Robt. Harris
James Makindo
Ann Gomar her mark
At a Court held for York County Mch. 17th 1728/9 This Invry & Appraismt. of John Gomers Estate decd. was presented in Court by the parties thereto and Admitted to Record.
Test. Phi: Lightfoot Cl. Cur.