In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing date January 17th 1757 We whose Names are underwritten mett and appraised the Estate of William Timson decd as followeth Vizt.
Negros Phill £50 Tom £30 Peter £25 Fanny & her Child Nan £55 | £180..0..0 |
2 Draft Steers £5. 10 Cows £17. 4 Young Cattle 26/s each | 27.. 4..0 |
5 Yearlings at 12/s. 1 Calf 5/s. 5 Sows at 16/s. 11 Shoats at 7/s 16 Sheep at 7/8 | 16..14..0 |
A Cart & Wheels 50/. A Horse Collar & traces 1/6d. 2 Work Horses £6..10/. | 9.. 1..6 |
A Grey Horse £8..12/. A Mare & Colt £3. A Young Horse £5 | 16..12..0 |
A small Boat £3. A large Peruager £5. 1 Do. 15/. 1 Canoe 20/s | 9..15..0 |
A Parcel fodder £5. 12 Side Soal Leather 50/. 1 Desk £4 | 11..10..0 |
2 Tables 16/s. 7 old Chairs 17/6. 1 large looking Glass 21/6 | 2..15..0 |
A Speaking Trumpet & Spye Glass 12/6. A Parcel Books 31/6 | 2.. 4..0 |
A pair Gold Link Buttons 15/. 3 Razors Hone & Strop 6/. 2 pr. Money Scales 12/6 | 1..13..6 |
A Parcel fishing Lines ¼ lb Shoe thread & a Silk Purse 5/. 2 Gold Rings 30/ | 1..15..0 |
15 brass Nails 3d. 1 Tobo box 1 pr. Cooks Gafflots & a Seal | 0.. 1..6 |
2 Tables 18/. 1 Bed & furniture £5. 1 Chest 3/. | 6.. 1..0 |
1 small looking Glass 6/. 1 pr. hand Irons 5/s. 1 pr. Boots & Spurrs 20/. | 1..11..0 |
1 Bod bolster Counterpane bedstead & Cord £4 1 Do. Bolster & Pillow 20/ | 5.. 0..0 |
1 Do. & furniture £4 3 old Trunks 6/. 1 Case 1 Chest & 2 old Glasses | 4.. 7..6 |
2 Guns 20/s. 2 box Irons 5/. 1 Fiddle 5/. 1 pr. fire tongs & Bellows | 1..11..6 |
2 pr. oyster Tongs & a Gigg 10/. 26 oz 1 dwt old Silver | 7.. 0..3 |
A parcel China 45/s. A Parcel fish hooks 1 Glass Peircer & Brush | 2.. 7..0 |
1 pair Pistols Holsters & Housing of a Saddle | 5.. 0..0 |
1 Saddle & Housing 20/. 1 Rug 8/. 50 Barrels of Corn at 6/6d | 17..14..0 |
A Parcel Butter Pots Juggs & 1 Sugar Cannister 16 lb Tallow | 1.. 8..0 |
Carrd. over | |
Brot. over | |
1 Shot bag 1 Powder horn 2/6. 3 dozen Bottles at 2/s | 0.. 8..6 |
A Bedstead Cord & Teaster 8/. 1 old Chest 2/s 94½ lb Cotton at 3d | 1..12..7½ |
1 Hammer 1 Hook 1/6. 1 Kettle 10/. 3 old Tables 3/9 | 0..15..3 |
2 Spits 10/s A Parcel Cyder Casks & Lumber 20/. a doz: Plates 12/ | 2.. 2..0 |
A Parcel Dishes 27/. 3 Iron Wedges 7/6. 2 Potracks 13/ | 2.. 7..6 |
1 pr. hand Irons 10/. a Parcel Tubs & Pails 6/6 7 bushels Peas at 1/3 | 1.. 5..3 |
7 Iron Pots 22/. 11 bushels Wheat at 3/ | 2..15..0 |
A Spinning Wheel 5/. A Parcel Tar & Turpentine 1/9½ | 0.. 6..9½ |
2 Raw Hides 10/. a Parcel Lumber 5/. 1 Coopers Howell 1/6 | 0..16..6 |
1 Bed 8/. 1 Coffee Pot 6/ & Stand 1/3d. 1 Candlestick 1 tin Can 1/3 | 0..16..6 |
1 Safe 8/. 2 Iron pins 2/6. 1 Flour tub 1/6 | 0..12..0 |
3 Knives 4 forks & 1 Glass Salt 2/6 | 0.. 2..6 |
1 Table Cloth 6/. 1 Silver watch £4 | 4.. 6..0 |
1 pr. Cotton Gloves 1/6 1 Tea Chest 3/. 1 pr. leather breeches 7/6 | 0..10..6 |
2 old China Bowls 4/. A Parcel Wearing Cloaths £13..18..6 | 14.. 2..0 |
£364.. 4..8 |
Errors Excepted
Mattw. Shields
Pen: Eaton
William Graves
Returned into York County Court the 21st day of February 1757 and ordered to be recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl: Cur: