An Inventory and Appraisement of the Estate of Richard Burt decd.
To 2 Steers | £2..0..0 |
To 24 head of Neat Cattle and 2 Young Calves | 30..0..0 |
To 4 two Year Olds | 2..10..0 |
To 6 Year olds | 2..8..0 |
To 2 Draft Steers | 5..0..0 |
To 1 old Cart and Wheels & Yoke | 1..5..0 |
To 5 Hoggs | 2..10..0 |
To 3 Sows & Piggs | 1..17..6 |
To 5 Sows & 1 Boar | 2..13..0 |
To 2 Shoats & 8 Piggs | 1..5..0 |
To 2 old Horses | 0..10..0 |
Carried over | |
To 1 Negro Man Named Tom | £ 50..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Man Named Daniel | 45..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Man Named Will | 20..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Man Named Finne | 47..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Woman Named Peg | 40..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Girl Named Lucy | 20..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Girl Named Rachel | 18..0..0 |
To 1 Negro Girl Named Kate | 14..0..0 |
To a Parcel of Pewter and tin Ware | 1..17..8 |
To 1 Case of Knives | 0..4..0 |
To 6 Leather Chairs | 1..4..0 |
To 6 Rush Bottom Do. | 0..9..0 |
To some Leather | 0..8..0 |
To 20 Pounds of Spinning Cotton | 1..5..0 |
To 15 Pounds of Spun Do. | 2..8..9 |
To 1 old Spinning Wheel & Cards | 0..15..0 |
To 1 old Saddle | 0..15..0 |
To 3 Butter Pots | 0..6..0 |
To 1 Chest and old Lumber | 0..7..6 |
To 1 Do. and old Lumber | 0..17..0 |
To 2 pr. of Pot Racks 1 Spit a pr. handirons & 1 frying pan | 1..5..0 |
To 1 Shovel fire tongs & Box iron | 0..6..0 |
To 2 Iron Pots 1 Iron Kettle & 1 brass Kettle 3 old Pail & 1 Pestle | 1..13..6 |
To 1 pair of Money Scales & a parcel of Earthen Ware | 0..12..6 |
To 1 Skillet & 1 Warming pan | 0..17..6 |
To 1 small Trunk & some Shoe thread | 0..5..0 |
To 1 old Gun | 0..15..0 |
To 2 Tables & 1 Chest | 1..13..6 |
To 2 Baskets 1 Looking Glass & 1 Candlestick | 0..4..0 |
To 1 feather Bed Bolster & Rug | 2..10..0 |
To 1 feather Bed & furniture | 8..0..0 |
To 1 Do. & furniture | 4..6..0 |
To 2 pair of Sheets | 2..8..0 |
To 1 pair Do. | 1..4..0 |
To 1 old Sheet & 1 old Table Cloth | 0..3..0 |
To Cash | 23..13..8 |
In Obedience to an Order of York Court bearing Date the 16th day of December 1745 We the Subscribers being first Sworn before Mr. Ellyson Armistead one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace then did Appraise all the Estate as was brought before us of Richard Burt decd. as Witness our hands this 12 Day of March 1745/6.
Josias Burt & William Burt, Exrs.
John Hansford
Charles Hansford
Edward Potter
Returned to York County Court the 17th Day of March 1745 and by the Court Order'd to be Recorded.
Thos. Everard Cl. Cur.